
Beg. of school year bulletin board: sports/team building theme for Kindergarten?

by Guest45415  |  earlier

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Looking for ideas, slogans, anything for a welcome bulletin board. The theme is sports or team building. It is Kindergarten, so I want it to be cute and age appropriate. It also has to be standards based...meaning have a purpose other than looking cute. I think I am going to have my kids this year write letters to the incoming Kindergarteners telling them that K isn't that scary and all the things they will learn...that or show a students' progress over the year to show parents the standards. any ideas for slogans, what to put on the BB...all would be helpful!! THANKS!




  1. You can go with the good ole' "Kindergarten Team" board and stick with sports theme - put each child's name on a soccer/baket/base/tennis ball (and even better if you can put their name and picture!) and stagger them on one end of the bulletin board.  On the other end, put a goal/basket/etc that you are moving towards.  With Kindergarten, I might put:

    Kindergarten Team: Writing toward are goal!

    And as each student learns a new letter, their ball gets moved one more step toward the "goal."

    I also like the "What's Cooking in Kindergarten?" concept, where each of the kids are a food and the board has a section for announcements/work display for each child.

    Lots of ideas - check out - they are my favorite for back to school board ideas and stuff.  This year, I think they even have a cooking bulletin board set!

    Good luck!

  2. I think your theme lends it's self to the Olympics. You can carry the theme through the first week having the kids make gold metals. Name tags can be trophies or you can use sports balls. A great activity would be to measure the long jump and how fast the kids could run a short distance. I've also made large cut outs of sports jerseys before and written the kids names in block letters at the top.

    For the bulletin board how about a running track? You can staple up cutouts of runners on the track and put up an overview of what they will be learning in sequential order.

    If you go with the sports theme you can make it the kindergarten team.

    Check out Oriental Trading magazine for the gold metals.

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