
Beginer ice skating questions?

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i am going ice skating with the guy i like and a few of his and my friends this friday! I was soo excited until i realized i have no clue how to ice skate because ive never been before. I've never roller bladed and ive been roller skating once (to me that was sooo hard) can anyone give me any tips on how to stand up, go, stop, etc.?

i also need to know what to wear..this might sound stupid but is it going to be like cold soo do i wear warm clothes but is it fake ice or what lol i sound sooo stupid because im 15 and asking you wether the ice is cold or not and what type of clothes to wear lol





  1. wear warm clothes, and have fun!!! You just stand up normally, its really easy to skate just put your feet in a v shape and...idk, start skating.dont worry about it just have fun.

  2. As far as skating don't worry about how well you skate, just go and have fun. You will figure out how to skate as you do it for a few hours. A few tips is to make sure to lace your skates properly, try marching on the ice into a glide as far as skating. For a stop you push apart your blades in a pigeon toed position- this can sometimes be hard with rental skates because often times the blades are too sharp or too dull. As far as getting up once you fall use your hands and just slide yourself up. Everyone invents their own technique (some being more effective than others) for getting up off the ice, so just find one that works for you.

    As far as clothing goes it will be chilly inside the rink. I'd wear a pair of exercise or yoga pants (not jeans because they get wet and very cold) with a t-shirt, jacket, and gloves. Also you need to wear thin nylon or polyester socks. The ice will be real, fake ice isn't something used in ice rinks much.

  3. 1) With moving just push off with your foot and bring it back.  Then switch off with which foot you push off with.  To actually start i would stay near the wall so you can get up.  You can use the ledge to help you skate by helping you pushing off the wall.  Once you get a more confident you can stay about arm length away from it so it is near, so you dont feel so scared.  

    2) When stand just stand.  lol sounds silly but seriously thats it.   To stop just stop pushing off.  For me when i started i would just run into the sides lol it worked!

    3) Clothing: wind pants are about the best if you do not feel comfortable w/ a skirt.  Wind pants are slick so you can just slide if you do fall.  I always where a t-shirt because i get hot easily.  But gloves are a must!  Ohhhh where long socks for sure or just bring them w/ you so you can change into them.

    4) Relax its easier than what you think and have fun!

    5) Be sure make your skates fit tightly but not to tight where if feels like your foot is loosing blood lol.  But not loose enought where your heel slides in and out.

    6)  GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!!!

  4. Skate as others have said above. Just remember to relax and to glide, do not try to 'walk' on the ice, it doesn't work. And also, not knowing how to skate is a good excuse to get the guy you like to hold your hand and 'help' you :)

    Wear warm clothes. Gloves are always good. Same with thick socks to avoid blisters.

  5. for me, when i learned how to roller blade it really helped me to ice skate. they are a bit similar only that in ice skates the blade is thin so u have to learn to keep ur balance more. i've have only gone ice skating like twice in my life. it wasn't that bad. just try to go smooth and slowly one foot at  a time like ur walking. when i got on that rink, i was slipping all over the place then after a while i got used to it. so if ur just beginning talk it slow. if its at a private rink u might want to use one of those things that looks like a walker to help u keep balance. trust me it'll be fun. just take ur time.  :)

  6. Don't worry, It's normal to be nervous the 1st time you go ice skating, just remember to relax! The basic things you need to know is to keep your body straight apart from a slight bend in your knees.

    To go forward just simply push of with one foot and then bring it back to meet your foot that stayed on the ice. Just repeat that movement, and if you like try taking it in turns which leg you use to push off this will give you one leg a bit of a break.

    To stop just put your feet in a sort or triangle with your toes making the point, but whatever you do don't try and get your toes to touch!

    If you think you are going to fall over allot I would say wear some sweats or a black skirt and black leggings. I say this because when you fall you can get a wet and these items will dry off pretty much straight away, whereas Jeans will stay wet the whole night. If you don't think you are going to fall wear some jeans, but not skinny fits because they look SO silly with ice skates! Wear either boot cuts, or some with a bit of a flare. Also I recommend a t shirt, hoodie (or jacket), scarf, and the all important gloves!

  7. When I go iceskating I wear sweatpants, a t-shirt and a hoodie. And most importantly, gloves. This way, if you fall your hands won't become really cold. When you iceskate, you have to push with one foot back and then bring it back to the other one and repeat with the other foot. Don't forget to slightly bend your knees (very important!)

  8. Don't worry, It's normal to be nervous the 1st time you go ice skating, just remember to relax! The basic things you need to know is to keep your body straight apart from a slight bend in your knees.

    To go forward just simply push of with one foot and then bring it back to meet your foot that stayed on the ice. Just repeat that movement, and if you like try taking it in turns which leg you use to push off this will give you one leg a bit of a break.

    To stop just put your feet in a sort or triangle with your toes making the point, but whatever you do dont try and get your toes to touch!

    If you think you are going to fall over alot I would say wear some sweats or a black skirt and black leggins. I say this becuase when you fall you can get a wet and these items will dry off pretty much straight away, whereas Jeans will stay wet the whole night. If you dont think you are going to fall wear some jeans, but not skinny fits becuase they look soo silly with ice skates! Wear either boot cuts, or some with a bit of a flare. Also I recomend a t shirt, hoodie (or jacket), scarf, and the all important gloves!

    Hope all goes well!!

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