
Begining Wind surfing?

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Any advice? I am taking up this sport in May, going to take a couple lessons. I have done it before can get up and go straight, but no idea how to turn. Any help appreciated.




  1. yh definately start windsurfing. it is better than surfing when at the coast since you can not only do everything u can surfing when riding the waves but also have more fun sailing out, jumping and trying loops and tricks etc.  it is expensive to buy kit but only around the same as kite surfing which is really really g*y!!!!! sailing is equally poor and shuld be reserved for toffs and knobheads.  surfing is good and far easier to learn the basics than windsurfing but can be limiting when conditions are poor and when advancing. but above all kiting and sailing should be well avoided!!

  2. I guess windsurfing is neat. I know in some places with no waves, windsurfing is still popular, but I think it has faded into relative obscurity. Lots of folks (for better or worse) are surfing now, and kite surfing is the real deal in places both with and without waves.

    I used to sail and surf, and I can still handle a small sailboat fairly well. I think that boats with motors should only be used for fishing, crabbing or other food collecting effort. My son-in-law used to windsurf, but hasn't for years. I have talked to lots of ex-windsurfers, who say that it is far more difficult to learn than it looks. It really requires lessons, it's not a trial and error type effort. The equipment is far more expensive than a surfboard (although comparable with a kite surfing rig), and harder to car-top from place to place. If you want to do it (and you have no ocean) go for it, and have fun. I would suggest kite surfing as a more action packed board sport.
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