
Begining home school?

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We've recently decided to have my 10th grader undergo home schooling. My question is, do we need to have the consent of the school for that to happen? Where do I begin?




  1. Different states have different requirements, but most all of them require contacting the local school district. After all, your child would be considered truant if the school doesn't have a record. Call the local board of ed office & ask what you need to do. Make contact with home schooling groups in your area.

    Go to the library and get some books on home schooling and check out some home schooling web sites.  Many sites sell materials for home schoolers and some libraries provide kits and other material.

    Good luck. 10th grade seems to be a difficult time to start home schooling.

  2. depends on where you live. HSLDA does have the laws for every state, but don't just look for interpretation, look at the actual law. HSLDA 'interprets' things differently than most people do for some states.

    Your state educational department should have your states laws on it's website, as well as fast links to finding any documentation you might need.

    Look at this for where to begin

  3. Im with Jana, go by there website, & trust me it will help you so much. Especially in the long run.

    Here were we live, when I 1st started to homeschool, we had the school board on our back because tehy were upset, we chose to homeschool, because were we live the public schools are terrible.

    We had an advocate at our house when they came knocking on our door. Once they got done talking to our advocate, tehy realized we knew our rights, & backed off.

    See in some areas, they dont liek to lose kids to homeschooling , because it means less taxes goes to their school.

    Also if you can hoemschool look up different websites, soemtimes you can get free materials to teach with, & also look up all kinds of auction sites to save you $$ on new & used material.

    I foudn some wonderful homeschool families on myspace that have helps me these past 2 years.

    I hope you get the help you need.

    Dont under any circumstances let anyone discourage you from homeschooling. What people dont seem to realize is, that public, & private schooling isnt for everyone.

    We started homeschooling our son, becuase he's severely dyslxic, the schools here have told us 3 times that it dosnt exixts!!  

    Also he's on a feeding pump too, & the schools said theyd use it ONLY if I came up the every 3 hours hes on it to hook him up. I couldnt do that, so I just decided to homeschool him, it works out for the bext too.

    He's now on his 3rd year of hoemschooling too, & doing great too. And very socialble too.  And has a high iq too.

  4. You do not need your school's consent to homeschool but you may need to file some paperwork for your state.

    Start at and do a search for your state. They have documents of each state's laws in an easy to understand format.

    Best of Luck!

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