
Beginner Lock-picking - Where should i buy a kit?

by  |  earlier

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I need a lockpicking kit, i am a beginner, and i just want to pick basic locks, any reccomendations? easy locks, as in cabinets, easy doors, or any other type of lock which is easy, padlocks etc... one that is in the price range of 20-40 pounds (sterling) or $30-50

NOTE: It is not for a crime purpose




  1. you could try davenports magic shop in charring cross london

    they sell books on the subject,and some used to come with a basic kit hope this helps

  2. You have to train as a lock smith think you have tobe licenced

    dont half do the trade lean it to make real money ,the one in my town lives the good life but the shops opens  only 4 hours a day Tues -Fri

  3. you tube search lock pick will show you how and how to make and use picks.also do the same to metacafe

  4. yr local police would prob have a room full of  kits of others wanting to learn the trade lmao.

  5. Try Wormwood Scrubs

  6. the best place to learn is prison

  7. petty ....

  8. Fagin's DIY Store. London.

  9. Why would you want to pick locks if not for criminal intent?

  10. I think you have to make your own.

  11. LOL on the disclaimer, silly.

       Call your local L.E.A. I'm sure they can answer all your questions. They probably have boxes of the tools in storage, be sure to give them your name and address.

       I'm curious as to why you didn't ask regarding tools used by a skilled lock smith.

  12. Try www.harryhoudini/!!

  13. not for crime aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  14. You goto your yellow pages, and call the largest ad of a LOcksmith company.    Go in and talk with them about your desires.    They may give you a job.

  15. I'll get my mate flick to mail you lol

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