
Beginner Surfer?

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Well i want to learn to surf.I have never been on a board over ever touched one.But i still want to learn.It looks fun.But i know there are things i need to know.I want a short board better but watever is better for a beginner.

What kind of board should i get for a beginner?

What do i need to know to surf?

Anything thing else important i need?

If this helps

I will probably try to go to the beach as much as i can.Maybe like every weekend or every two weekends.

I am 5'3 and 110 lbs




  1. stop asking the same dam question over and over again!

  2. Surfing is an ocean sport, to do it right, you have to be at home in the ocean, with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes big waves. I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave. You can't do that without an ocean.

    Take the time time to learn about the ocean. Go swimming, body surfing and body boarding. When you are really comfortable with it, it's time to start surfing.

    Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on. Just work on your basics, and after you feel good, think about buying a board, but don't rush into anything.

    There are good things about both long and short boards. I ride both (one at a time , of course). In the mid sixties, like almost everybody else, I started on a longboard. I went shorter and shorter every summer, during the 'short board revolution.' After getting out of the service, I had afew years of sporadic surfing, before I got back to surfing as much as possibly could. (I've driven 650 miles to go surfing!). I found some days that were just too small anything but a longboard. Just riding one size board is very limiting, conditions change daily in most places.

    I am old, and fat and slow, so even my shortboard is 7'6". My 6'4" is a collectors' item now. Not every break has ripper, head high waves every day. A longboard is great for plenty of glide in that knee high stuff. One more reason to surf every chance I can.

    You need a board that will float you well enough for you to take off (paddle and catch a wave). Most people learn best on long boards, although I have seen lots of surfers start on a short board and master it. Long boards are ideal for learners. There are also good internediate length boards to learn on, funshapes, mini-mals and some hybrids. You can always trade in a board and buy a new one when you are ready for a change (or keep your long board. I bought a new long board about 6/7 years ago, and, like I said, there are some days that it's the perfect board for the conditions).

    There are no RULES for learning how to surf. Go to a good local surf shop and talk to the surfers there. They will give you good advice for what works in the local breaks you will be riding.

    Some folks have said that skateboarding may help. Well, any balance improving activity can be helpful to improve your surfing. That could be skate, snow, wake or skim boarding, working out on a Indo board, or doing the balance beam. HOWEVER, surfing is nothing like skateboarding. You have to paddle and catch a wave. First, and most important, you have to be at home in the ocean. You need to learn the mechanics of surfing, paddling out, catching a wave and standing up on the surfboard. It is after you have gotten all that down, that your balance becomes important, and if you have good balance (because, perhaps, you skateboard), that will only help you ride better.

    I have been surfing for 42 years. I hope you do learn to surf some day, it will give you joy for life.

  3. if u snowboard its da same thing but i went with a oneil just cuz it looked n also took lessons from a local surf shop(just a suggestion)
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