
Beginner Wiccan needs help

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Hi I've just recently discovered Wicca and I've been looking at books and stuff like that for about a year. I technically know some thing about it but I have never tried any spells or circles. I'm really interested but I'm the only one of my family or friends who is interseted in Wicca and I just feel in way over my head. Any advice?




  1. recite the words ooga booga 3 times

  2. Just take it slow and do your research. Spirituality is not a race. If you feel that you either do not have a good grasp of the foundational beliefs of the religion or are still questioning whether or not Wicca is right for you, it makes no sense to jump into performing rituals. Look outside basic Wicca 101 information. Research the history of Wicca, different traditions, the purpose and meaning of ritual, et cetera. You will likely get much more out of the religion by doing this rather than rushing into practice before you feel ready.

  3. Merry Meet,

    If you’re looking to get online training, I do suggest the Sacred Mists at or OZ Wicca at , both are pretty decent for learning the Craft on the Web. The SCWF once had a program for a correspondence course but we finished out the program a few years ago and never restarted for several different reasons.

    I do suggest that you try some of the online e-groups that are trying to aid new comers seeking to learn about the Craft. My best suggestion though is to go to Witchvox at and look for an active Coven, Circle or Grove near you that teaches hands on. If there are none near you, get your hands on Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin and/or The Circle Within by Dianne Sylvan. Both of these books are very good reading and both will give you some deeper insight to the Craft and how it relates to you. I hope that my little blurp has helped.

    Always in Light and Love


  4. Take it slow.  Read, read, read.  When something doesn't make sense, question it.  Find what works for you.  

    And above all, make sure this is what you want.  If you think Wicca is about spells, then you don't know very much about Wicca, and if you don't much yet, how can you know you want to be one?  You're talking about embracing a religion.  It's a lifechanging event.  Ther's no need to rush it.

    Book recommendations for beginners: (I particularly stress starting with the first four)

    And more reviews:

    And some more suggestions for beginners here:

  5. An excellent beginner book is "To RIde A Silver Broomstick" by Silver Ravenwolf.   She also has "The Teen Witch's Guide".

    Spells will come after you have developed some awareness of the ethereal and the God an Goddess.

    Find a local shop that has spiritual stuff and hang out browsing, ask questions, etc.

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