
Beginner ballet help?

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please help! Im starting ballet for the first time and im 16. The ballet teacher wants to put me in the advanced class because she wants to have me with girls my age. She says i'll learn fast enough but i fear i wont. can anyone offer me advice. i realy want to learn ballet. (and not with little girls who are better than me)

i was in karate for four years, and ive been acting and singing for my whole life.




  1. your first few classes will be rough.

    the teacher will probably pay you  a little more attention to help w/ posture, minor technique and things. but you can catch onto most things by watching. then going home and practicing your butt'll get better and it'll get way easier. trust me!

    true story. i was a beginner in ballet before:]

  2. Ballet is not something you learn in a few classes. The steps progress in a certain order, and you build on them as you gain more strength and become more advanced. Starting in an advanced class is not a good idea because you will not have a chance to learn and practice clean technique as you will be too focused on no messing up the challenging footwork/arm coordination and such. It sounds like that teacher does not know what she is talking about if she wants to put you in the advanced class. Age does not matter; good training does. I would find another school with a more experienced teacher.  

  3. watch ballet classes online or youtube to see what a class is like

    dont worry you'll be fine in class

  4. You should try another studio that wants you to learn the proper technique (not being more concerned with age groups).  A good studio will have a specific syllabus for each level.  You should master technique in each level before moving on to the next level.  This is how great dancers are made, not from dancing sloppy in a level too high for you where you're focused on keeping up with the movements more than focusing on proper technique of the moves.  You are smart thinking it's not right for you!  When placed in a lower level with younger girls, you will advance more quickly anyway because you are older and stronger.  Best of luck!
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