
Beginner guitar help..(acoustic)?

by  |  earlier

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you know how if don't press the strings hard enough, or if u accidentally slightly touch another string, it makes this buzzing sound? is there some kind of trick to this? to not do this?

oh and the chords where you put one finger on all the strings? is there a trick to that too?

i'm beyond beginner so HELP ME




  1. For the buzz, try having your thumb pressed on the back of the neck, rather than loose or on the side. Try to fret using the narrowest part of your finger.

    For chord barring - try using the side of  your index finger to fret, rather than the padded part on above the palm.

    It takes time.

  2. You just need to strengthen your fingers and improve your decterity and coordination.  The only way to get good at chords is to continue practicing them.  Keep at 'em and you'll get it.  You can improve strength and coordination by doing some chromatic scale exercises.  For example, 5-8 fret, !st finger  through pinky all the way up and down the strings in eigth notes.


    check him out, he will help

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