
Beginner tricks on a snowboard?

by Guest66575  |  earlier

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ive snowboarded for 2 years and im thinkin of starrting some ffreestyle? any good beginner tricks? beginner grinding? correct way to go off a jump?




  1. maybe just start out with some 180's or 360's and then when you're comfortable with that, add some grabs like indys and melons and stuff.

    for rails just do like 50-50 and boardslides. then maybe some tailslides or noseslides.

  2. First, small jumps off the lip at the edge of the run or other small bumps. Make sure you don't lean back when you jump - you want your weight forward some as the jump will roll you backward.

    After you get comfortable with small jumps, try the small kickers in the park and get comfortable with getting a couple feet of air.

    The easiest trick is the 180 - you just need to get some air and then rotate your board (not your body). Rotate the back of the board DOWN the hill and make it the nose of the board, this will give you more time for the landing.

    Good Luck

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