
Beginning actors resume help?

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My 13 year old daughter is sending in her headshot and resume for several auditions. What do we include in her resume, especially if she has no prior experience? What do we put in it and how do we make up for her lack of experience?




  1. dont lie you'll never get a part because the acting buisness is very tight.If she doesnt have any expierence i doubt she'll make it sorry

  2. I suggest you list her previous training in acting, dance, voice etc....

    List any school shows...

    If she does not have any of this then I would suggest to wait until she has some experience. Very few casting directors will want to see anyone who has NO experience. You can gain a lot of experience in just one year...Kids are amazing! Good luck!

  3. First, you need to put basic information down. Age, weight, height, birthday, hair color, eye color, etc. Then, you may want to put her interests down about the entertainment idustry, whether its role playing or singing. This helps to tell casting directors this really is her passion.

    Next, I suggest putting down any at all training she has had.

    -dance classes

    -acting classes

    -singing classes

    -school choirs

    -church chorus

    Also, include the adult advisors, (dance teachers, singing coaches,etc,) and the amount of years or months she has been taking them for.

    With her lack of experience, under experience you should add any choral concerts, dance recitals, acting workshops, or school plays she has been in. With that include the director of the plays, teachers, or conductors. The at the bottom write that references available upon requests meaning that if they want to contact one of the people you listed they need to request it first.

    This all seems very confusing, but try not to freak. Casting directors don't care that much about experience if she has that much talent. Hope That Helps, Good Luck to your daughter!

  4. theatre doc is  right...

  5. Write down any acting classes she's taken and any special skills she has (accents, gymnastics, etc.) any skills that would set her apart from the crowd.

    If she hasn't taken any acting classes... get her some.

  6. This is a difficult one to answer, but I'll try :)

    I suggest writing about interests that may relate to performing in ANY way, for example: playing a musical instrument or taking dance lessons. Any school shows she's been involved with, even as chorus would help, too.

    And, of course, the height, hair colour, eye colour things as well.

    I hope that helped even a little bit - as I said, it's a difficult question to answer, but the auditioners will understand, as it's very difficult to get lots of experience at such a young age.

    Good luck to your daughter, and I hope it all goes well!

  7. If casting directors want a resume, they want someone with experience. If you go to you will find info on beginners resumes.  My belief is that if you do not have experience and/or training you do not have a resume, but there are sites like this one that encourage inexperienced, starry-eyed youngsters to be disappointed. Without experience and training, your daughter has no hope of getting professional work.

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