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In my P.E. class, i always goof off and talk over the teacher. I am not the only one in my class that does this though. Alot of other students talk over the teacher and goof off. The teacher warned me once and said i had a B- in gym class and if i worked on behavior, i would be able to bring that grade to an A. For the rest of the school year, I tried my best not to goof around, but when report cards came out, I still had my B-. After school, i went to talk to the teacher about why i had still gotten a B- even when she said that if i worked hard, which i did, that i would get an A. All she said was I got a B- because of my behavior. My big question is... are teachers allowed to change your grade due to your behavior? I always thought that behavior was just one of the side notes that they make, like keep up the work, or behavior issues? Is is fair that even though i participated in the class that i was marked down for behavior?




  1. yah they sort of can because you are disrupting the class, and its only a b, i think you will live

  2. the gradign policy should be stated before the school begins by each teacher.

    if you are in a standards based curriculum school - behavior cannot be counted as an assessment grade( i/e a test grade)

    but if one of the standards was behavior then she has the right to grade you on it and how that comes across in class.

  3. In a class like P.E. a lot depends on participation in class. Also, participation has a lot to do with behavior. I think that the teacher was well within his or her rights to mark you down to a B because of your behavior.

  4. Let's start with your first statement:  "i always goof off and talk over the teacher."

    Actually, we can end with it, too, because it doesn't matter that you're "not the only one."  (I always find it funny/ironic how students would howl if they were assigned a grade based on other kids' work, yet they don't see the hypocrisy in justifying their asinine behavior with "everyone else does it.")

    So let me get this straight:  you admit to acting like an *** *and* you expect an A?  Is that about right?

    Asses don't deserve As.  Asses also don't complain about a B- in gym class.  Grow up.

  5. Teachers have the right to make behavior and participation part of the grade. If you have a question (and for future reference in other classes), ask to see a syllabus which outlines the grading break down. A percentage of the grade will always be behavior. In PE, I would anticipate that the behavior/participation grade is a more substantial part of the overall grading total than compared to a math or science class. If she was willing to raise your grade more than a full letter grade just for behavior, then it sounds like behavior was a major part of her grading system.

    Behavior is not just a side note of education. It's one of the most important parts. Teaching a subject area is just as important as teaching common courtesy.

    Well, you know for next time -- make sure to participate. My Dad always taught me to start a class strong and then finish a goof ball. Teachers are more forgiving of the student that begins really well, but needs some extra time in the end. Next time, be great in the beginning of the year and goof off in the end. You may get away with more.
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