Okay so in January of this year me and my husband finally decided to take my step-son to a therapist. The put him on ritalin and rispidal. Now 7 months later I dont think its made any sort of sense. We are now realizing his issues are deeper then that. He has always been very hyper and out of control as to where we dont even want to take him out into public. His school kicked him out numerous times(yes in Kindergarden) simply because he is just too hard to handle. We have tried everything possible(as well as his school) to get him to behave......it just dont work. We have decided to take him off the medicine simply because we feel it wasnt working. We thought it was a solution to our problem and simply its not. My husband is almost ready to send him off to his mother(my mother in law) simply because hes too d**n hard to deal with. Spanking, time out, grounding, takeing privaleges away doesnt work. And sending him to his grandmother would just make it worse. Any suggestions????????