I am a preschool teacher. We have been in school for a week now and I believe this is the worst behavior I have ever seen in four year olds. I have several kids that will not listen to me. When I say get quiet they act like I am not even there. One child will make noise just to make noise and when I tell him to stop he looks at me like I am stupid. When I tell him to go to time out he says "NO". Half of my class acts this way. I just don't know what to do. I have left school crying everyday. What do you do when they just won't do as they are told? In my classroom, we change cards each time they do something bad. I am running out of colors. (It goes green (good), yellow, orange, red) I have even sent two to the principles office and it does no good. I have sent notes home and still no change. I try to give goodies to the ones who are doing what is right throughout the day but it doesn't seem to help. It is so bad that I actually hate going to work. I dread each day. I know it is only a week, but does anyone have any ideas. Please be nice. I just want to help these kids learn to behavior appropriately and be sain at the same time!