
Behind/above Picton, up in the bush, is a cross, who put it there and why, any story behind it?

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Just it's bushy and steep, seems like a very difficult place to reach.




  1. A few years ago (probably about 15) some passengers on the InterIsland ferry were disappointed that their trip from Wellington had been canceled due to bad weather. A group of about half a dozen went to Wellington Airport and got on a charter flight to take them to the Picton Aerodrome at Koromiko.

    They didn't make it.

    In the low cloud and poor visibility the pilot got lost on his approach to Koromiko, and crashed into the hill above Picton.

    The cross is at the site of the plane's impact.

    Driver T

  2. I think Driver T is correct re the plane crash, I was in Wellington visiting from Auckland at the time it happened & I recall this (I think it was 1985?).  You can probably google search it anyway or contact some Picton organisation that would know like the council or something.  I heard that the plane crashed into overhead power lines as it was flying too low.

  3. Local residents put it there years ago,  and its meant to represent peace and tranquillity over Picton.

    Its hugh when your up close it,   nearly 2 stories.

    When tourist use to ask what it was id tell them there was a church that sunk into the hillside.

    I remember it been there since we moved there in 1982.

    And Driver T that plane hit Mt Robinson which is over the hill from Picton, half way between there and Koromiko, think someone was having you on mate.

    Zebra, yes there was a plane crash around that time,but that one was up the Marlborough Sounds and the plane came into contact with power lines,  a girl survived that one .

  4. Driver T is wrong (on the dates)   I am not sure on the story behind the cross, always been curious myself, but I lived in Picton 1988 - 1990, the cross  was there then, and was there many years before that..

  5. I understood it was a youth group who put it there in the early 1970's. They were visiting or something and put it there.

    I always thought God put it there when I was little...!!!!

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