
Behind the wheel driving test?

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what do i avoid so i wont get points taken off? how was yer driving test? what mistakes did you do? i need help to prepare for mine, so your help would be great!




  1.  Stop completely 6 ft before X-walks, look over your shldr before pulling to/from curb,changing lanes, or merging.  Make sure before u start the car that the instructor has put on his/her seatbelt or they will fail you without leaving the DMV lot.

  2. i've failed a couple of times due to nervousness. i'm gonna be taking it again in around two weeks--hopefully i pass. just try not to be nervous.

    if you are able to do so safely, stop on a yellow light. do not speed through the intersection.

    remember that a red arrow, unlike a regular red light, does not allow you to turn... even after stopping first.

    try not to make really wide turns but also avoid scraping or hitting or running over a curb.

    when changing lanes and getting back onto the road after pulling over, make sure you signal, check your mirrors, and turn your head (check blindspots).

    exaggerate head movements or else the tester might not be able to tell whether or not you checked your blind spot.

    good luck!

  3. make shure you use both hands at all time and the hand over hand turning and just your right foot never use both other than that you will be ok

  4. 3 point turn and parrellel parking, ask some one who is good at both they are the hardest mom still cant do either i hate going places with her cause parellel parking doensnt work like you think it would

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