
Beijing olympics ???!!!?

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My uncle wishes 2 be there ....n i have no clue about any websites or travel agencies ..organising trips for the same plz... ?????




  1. Depends on where you are from and what you actually want to do.

    Most of the tix are sold out already officially. Check on the Olympics website to see- but you are unlikely to find anything.

    If you can get to Beijing, you might be able to pick up some second-hand tickets. They will be expensive, but people are selling them on the website (look under the stuff for sale) You will have to arrange to meet the person to exchange RMB (Chinese money) for the tickets, since these are individuals who are probably not going to handle credit cards or checks. You also probably cant pick and choose what events you want- just look and see what people are selling and that is your options.

    Getting to Beijing isnt hard- you can go through a travel agent who will handle it for you or you can get airline tickets online, book a hotel and send your passport to an agency to get your visa. (Travisa is a good one)

    Dont listen to people who say you cannot get a visa. I had a friend visit me in Beijing last week who got his just fine, and my roommate has her father arriving next week and a few friends are coming throughout the month of August who all got their visas with no problem.

    As long as you are just asking for a 30-day visa, not a work visa or something, all you need is your air tickets and proof of where you are staying (hotel reservations, for example) and pay the fee

  2. Probably way too late to get tickets for the events now.

  3. Even if you go bleak chances of getting tickets.


  4. The Chinese government is limiting the number of people who can be in Beijing for the Olympics.  If you don't have a visa giving you permission to be there I don't think you'll be able to get in.  The Chinese city where I lived told us that we wouldn't be able to go to Beijing during the Olympics unless we had tickets and registered for special permission to travel there.  Your uncle should have considered this months ago.  It's too late now.

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