
Beijing pulled a "Milli Vanilli." Your thoughts.

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BEIJING (AFP) - The little girl who starred at the Olympic opening ceremony was miming and only put on stage because the real singer was not considered attractive enough, the show's musical director said.

Pigtailed Lin Miaoke was selected to appear because of her cute appearance and had not sung a note, Chen Qigang, the general music designer of the ceremony, said in an interview with a state broadcaster.

Photographs of Lin in a bright red party dress were published in newspapers and websites all over the world and the official China Daily hailed her as a rising star on Tuesday.

But Chen said the girl whose voice was actually heard by the 91,000 capacity crowd at the main Olympic stadium was in fact seven-year-old Yang Peiyi, who has a chubby face and uneven teeth.

"The reason why little Yang was not chosen to appear was because we wanted to project the right image, we were thinking about what was best for the nation," Chen said in the interview that appeared briefly on the popular news website on Tuesday before it was wiped from the Internet.

Lin was seen to perform the patriotic song "Ode to the Motherland" as China's national flag was carried into the stadium, a key moment in the three hour opening ceremony.

"The reason was for the national interest. The child on camera should be flawless in image, internal feelings, and expression," he said.

"Lin Miaoke is excellent in those aspects. But in terms of voice, Yang Peiyi is perfect, each member of our team agreed," he said.




  1. Thats terrible. Poor little girl.

  2. The Olympics has no real value other than being a commercial vehicle for selling products. The Olympics are equal to Sponge Bob episodes, Guitar Hero games, and the latest flicks from Hollywood. The Olympics is pure entertainment, nothing more than mindless entertainment and everything that goes along with commercial entertainment. The Olympics is an American enterprise designed to make money on every level possible. Those 2 little girls should be grateful and everyone else should simply shut up and spend some money.

  3. it isnt wrong, or low, or anything negative. It's just show biz baby and if you dont like it tuff-luck you lose!

  4. It's not a wise move to protect national interest ... olympics is about appreciating talents not just superficial looks. They should have thought about it when they decided on what kind of image they'd like to project to public.

    Just saw in the news, one of the committee (not Chinese) said it's actually the same analogy of that elimination process for athletes who gets to participate in olympics ... (o_O)*don't get where's the similarity* .... not going to comment on whether or not the selection are all fair and square ... but in the end, athletes are performing on their own accord on their so called 'stage' ... not like in this case!! can't believe what I heard ...

  5. Are you sure of this?If it is true,it would only add to the "giant footprints" fiasco,They were supposed to be fireworks but,were in fact computer graphic images.The chinese should never have been awarded the games and when it was understood that they would be lying,as they usually do,the Olympics should have,either been moved to another location,or not televised.This is just shamefull propaganda.

  6. That's a terrible thing to do to both of those little girls. It will mess up their self esteem. It's easy to feel sorry for the child who was told she's "not pretty" enough, but the other little girl was also given a twisted message by being chosen only for her appearance and taught to live a lie. Why should innocent children by exploited like the for the "sake of their country"? It really should hurt China's image more than help it!

  7. Yeah, that's pretty messed up.  Disgusting, I think.  

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