
Being 18 years old.... now what?

by  |  earlier

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i have been 18 for like 8 months and im kinda lost. i want to become an advertiser, and i want to go to college but cant afford it.

should i get a credit card? how do i do it?

how do i get student loans?

i have tried to get a job for 5 months now... nothin....

i live in a really small town with no car.

how do i get my life started i dont know what to do...

how do i start?

please give me some advice so i shall step forward to my life and succeed.




  1. ask your nearest bank branch.

  2. Hi T,

    U r in a place where all 18 year olds are,very true if they belong to smaller towns. Small towns usually have very few avenues to explore as far as earnings are concerned. This is the primary reason why people migrate to larger towns, in search of employment. So here it goes...

    1. Head out to the nearest larger town, look for inexpensive accommodation.

    2. Get yourself a job, which requires minimal qualification. This might not hold good if you already have a professional degree. In that case, you might want to check the classifieds for employment.

    3. Jobs are easier to procure if they involve physical labour like mining, delivery, transporting etc. So, I suggest these are your best bets

    I am done. Let me know where you live and may be I can do a bit of research and be able to help you.



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  3. Financial aid ... the beginnings steps are listed at FAFSA.GOV.  You will need your tax return (if you have one) and your parents.   Student loans and many student grants are given out for this.  You will probably be best for the one that says 08-09.  You could begin school as early as July.

    Credit card... I would hold off on that one until you have a job.  

    Then maybe a store or bank card.  Be very, very careful to pay it off in full for the first year.  It will build your credit history well if you take care of yourself!

    No job.  That stinks.  If there is a nursing home, home health or hospital, possibly working as a nursing assistant would help.  Good skill and easy to find job. You could also plan to go to a nearby town for college.  An easy-to-get-in state school in a larger town would allow you to work, live in the dorms and go to school all at the same time.  Take the minimum number of hours for fulltime status - usually just four to get yourself adjusted.  

    Another option is always the military.  They pay for housing, food, and job training.  Sign up for something more administrative and you won't be in the front lines.  They have advertising in the military too if you decide to make a career out of it.  A recruiter could come to you, I bet, since you have no transportation.

    About getting your first job, it's rough I know.  It's never easy and you are entering the job market at a difficult time.  Even something temp. would be a great option right now.

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