
Being Computer savy and knowing alittle HTML, and programming gets you NO JOB???

by  |  earlier

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I'm did not get a degree in computer science, but i took some classes. I only know Java and HTML, and alittle javascript, some Applescript, I know about Algorithms alittle.. i can program games and make small programs.

Does this knowledge have NO VALUE at all??

Seems companies are made to believe that the only skills of value is having Degrees in c omputer science but let me tell you an example:

I worked at an Engineering company doing document control. ALthough my job was not related at all to programming, i managed to make some scripts to make the job easier. The guy that had been working there for years was saying that the work he was doing would last long, but i made this script and we finished the whole thing in 1 day thanks to my little program.

I also made a program to fix a messy inefficient program that one of the IT guys made for us. And it made things easier.

Well but apparently I'm of no value just cause i dont have a degree?

Soon i'm going to change jobs because my current job is a Clerkical job where all we do is paste strips of paper onto documents, move boxes, clean and dust a dirty old house.

But i dont know what job to look for beause all the jobs that have opportunities for someone creative are usually jobs that want people with Computer science degrees. I dont want to just be in a clerical job that pays low and all that we do is Move boxes and basic organizing.

I've done that kind of work for years now , it's time to move up.

What to do? Please dont suggest going to college, i already did .

I'm 28 , and i like learning things by myself , dont like School environments.




  1. try data entry

  2. You could try out freelancing. Try

    Its like an ebay but only instead of buying and selling products, people post coding projects and you can bid for them and if you win something can work and make some money. You don't need to pay anything upfront.

    All the best dude.


  3. "Well but apparently I'm of no value just cause i dont have a degree?" the eyes of most employers, the answer would be yes. These days most employers will require a degree for anything that is above what would be considered a menial job. Most employers when looking at a resume will throw one aside if the education level is not high enough, regardless of the skills listed. I'm not saying that it's right, but it's the way it is now. In this economy with so many people fighting for jobs, who do you think they'll take, the person who has higher education and a degree, or the person who just took a few classes and has general knowledge?

    If you want to move up like you say, you HAVE to go to college, and actually finish it this time. With the demand and so many people going beyond undergrad now, a Bachelors degree is practically about as worthless as a high school diploma. Go to school.

  4. First things first, you need to create a resume that stands out and conveys your programming talent so that the hiring manager notices you. Because you don't have a Computer Science or Engineering degree, you automatically fall behind in the pool of applicants, as that is the FIRST thing on your resume that the manager will look at (besides your name). On your resume, you should mention the things you mentioned above, like how you created scripts to increase productivity in your previous job(s). Focus on your job experience and extra-curriculars/hobbies, such as developing games during your spare time. Also, I suggest you take up learning some more languages, like C, C++, Perl, shell, and a database language, like SQL or XML. I think the biggest challenge you will have is just getting an interview. You must understand that the software field is very competitive these days, and there may be hundreds of applicants that have the same programming knowledge as you. Apply to as many software positions as you can find, and hopefully there will be some that are not too saturated with college/university graduates. Once you get an interview, having a degree or no degree won't matter. If you are truly talented, then the interviewer will see it.

  5. A few suggestions 1) Companies are looking for people to set up simple html websites. Get a book and teach yourself php. 2) start creating websites and selling them. Many people will purchase adsense websites. 3) create adsense websites. I do, I'm a S@HM, I don't make millions, but I make over $100 a month on each site. If you aren't working you have the time.

    If you can walk in and show them experience you can get that job. Create your own business, sell like mad and the next time you go on an interview, bring you tax return to show them how much you made creating websites.  

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