
Being Involved With The h**l's Angels Won't Prevent You From Joining The Military Would It?

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My boyfriend is interested in joining the army. I know that the military is strict about having tattoos, especially those that are gang related. Having a h**l's Angels logo and a bike chain around your arm isn't considered gang related is it?

I know that the h**l's Angels have been and are involved in some questionable activities but are they considered a gang? By the way, my boyfriend does not have a record.




  1. 1) the h**l's angels are absolutely a gang.

    2) the ARMY will make him cover it up, DO NOT even walk into a recruiters office with that.

    3) if your boyfriend has the h***s angels logo on his arm he is either A) a member of the h***s angels and not a candidate for military service or B) some kid with a death wish wearing H.A. colors, most other MC's don't take kindly to HA and HA don't take too kindly to non members reppin the colors. wearing the logo is blatant gang representation, even if he were trying to be subtle (81, affa, etc etc) then military would still pick up on it. With that being said if your boyfriend wants any chance at joining the service he will have to remove or cover up any gang affiliate tatts, but if he were a real HA then he would already know this, wearing MC colors without actually being in it is a stupid and dangerouse move that could get him killed or at the least have the tattoo "removed" if he were to run into any actual 81 affiliate or rival.

  2. This will probably be considered to be a gang-related tattoo by the Army.

    FYI - the FBI considers the h***s Angels to be one of the largest criminal gangs in the nation.

  3. He doesn't have a SNOWBALL'S chance in HELLLLL of getting accepted into ANYYYYY branch of the US Military.

    1. In case you just woke up yesterday...The h**l's Angels IS a motorcycle gang associated with intimidation, rape, murder, arson, thefts, drug smuggling and prostitution.

    2. ALL branches of the military are sensitive to TATTOOS of ALL kinds, especially those which are gang related.

    Your boyfriend doesn't have a chance of being accepted.....furthermore....why would he want to join the military?

  4. As long as your name is not on any criminal records you should be fine.  

  5. h***s angles is considered a gang. if he just has the tattoo he will have to get that waivered, a symbol like that isn't very good, military doesn't like ANY gang related activity, it may affect whether or not he gets a security clearance. If he was in the h***s angels and doesn't have any record of it, I must advise that he do tell them which would have to be waivered, but if he didn't tell them they would never know unless he admitted it.

    To answer the question bluntly yes that tat could possibly affect his chances of getting into the military.

  6. He would probably be able to get a waiver. Contact a recruiter and they'd be able to let you know for sure

  7. A recruiter is the best person to ask about the tattoo.   It may depend on where the tattoo is located...if it can be covered at all time while in uniform (and this can include in only in short sleeves or a t-shirt, so anything below the middle of his upper arm may need to be removed, regardless of the content of the tattoo) it may be ok.  The h**l's Angels are considered a gang by most police and governmental security agencies, although they do know that not everyone involved with them has a criminal record or has been involved with the groups within the organization that are considered problematic.  A recruiter will know the military's stand and can advise you from there.

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