
Being US Citizen, can a person bring their parents one at a time?

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If father comes here on immigrant visa and later I apply for mother but at that time father would be a green card holder so how it would be done? Would I still be able to apply for my mother or at that time father will have to sponser my mother?




  1. make sure you have the financial  ability   as you will have to prove   it on the affidavit of support   125 %

  2. You can bring them both over at the same time.

    File a petition for each of them, there is no numerical limit on this category so visas will be available immediately to both of them, should only take a couple of months all together.

    If you file for your father ONLY, then he comes to the US and applies for your mother, that would take 5-6 years as there is only a limited number of visas available for spouses of legal permanent residents (green card holders).

    If you want to bring your father first, file for him, then once he's here, YOU should file for your mother, NOT him (otherwise you will encounter the 5 year wait mentioned above).

    So, just file for them both at the same time, and they can come over at the same time.

  3. you both can send in your petition... if one petition gets approved, the other becomes void.

    you would have a better position to petition for your mother since you're a citizen. a permanent resident petitioning for his/her spouse takes about 3-5 years depending on which country the petitioned is residing.

  4. hu?

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