
Being a Life Coach, what's required?

by Guest63546  |  earlier

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Tell me the Fee's, the certificates or any hoops in general I would have to jump to be one.

Thank you for you r time,





  1. Life coaching requires certification.  Certification training programs cost between $3000 and $5000.  The standards and credentialing process are internationally in a state of development and credentialing remains commercially oriented without academic over-site or peer review as yet.  There are three main organizations for credentialing:

    International Coaching Council (ICC)

    International Coach Federation (ICF)

    International Association of Coaching (IAC)

  2. Not to be argumentative with a previous answerer, but just to clarify - life coaching is unregulated in any state (although Colorado made a run at it a few years back, but declined to pursue.) There is nothing keeping anyone from pounding a sign in the front yard and setting up shop as a life coach. The "certification" programs you see are training programs and what they give you is certification that you have completed their program, nothing more.

    The hoops are that marketing yourself as a coach is the key - it's tough and getting tougher now that coaching is not a new phenomenon.

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