
Being a camp counselor...nudity?

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I am planning on being a counselor at a summer camp next year and have some questions. I have never went to a camp myself.

1. What is the shower situation? Are they communal, curtained, divided?

2. As a counselor, where would I be showering? What were your experiences as a counselor?

3. I assume nudity amongst the guys would be allowed in an appropriate situation (showers, sleeping, locker room), but would it be wrong if I was nude in an appropriate situation?

4. How did you change clothes at night? Did you change after the lights were off so the guys wouldn't see you?

Sorry for all the detailed questions. I just want to be sure I will not make a faux pas by stripping naked in the locker room or showering or changing. The campers I will be with will be around 16-17 years old.




  1. well id say to be safe for you not to change in front of them being a counselor when a adult is supervising young children it is safer for you to use your head and don't mix because you never know who will say something to someone that makes it sound as if you are up to no good

  2. dont worry about it! just change in front of them and stop worrying. they wont be staring at you and if they do, THEY will be considered the "weird" ones. they all have the same thing you do so just relax....of course its not innapropriate. a lot of people do this when they go to camp. i guess you could say its part of the whole experience.

  3. Just wait and see what everyone else does.  Follow the leader.

  4. Congrats on being a counselor!

    To answer your questions.

    1. All depends on the campground. Our were open with about 10 shower heads on each wall, 20 total.

    2. You shower right along with your kids. No biggie, just go in and do your thing. The same as the kids. If you make a big deal about it, your campers will follow. So be open and honest, and don't make a big deal about being naked together.

    3. If everyone is doing something, go with the flow.

    Your changing for showers, swimming, mornings, and bed times. It also depends on how the cabin (or what ever your staying in) is laid out.

    We had cabins where we were all together, then we also had cabins where the counselors had one side and the kids had the other. And it was divided.

    4. Nope change when you want, like I said the kids will lead by example. At 16-17 most of the boys will sleep in there boxers or under ware anyway. So when it gets close to lights out, change into what your going to sleep in.

    Just be yourself. Like I said if you have second thoughts...the kids will sense it. And they will follow by example.

    But have fun, don't make it a huge deal, the kids will be more nervous then you. If you are open, you will make it easier for them to deal with it.

    Send me a message if you have questions.

    I was a counselor for 14 years. Ages varied from 6-17

    Your going to have a blast!

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