
Being a loner or popular?

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  1. Popular! Only because i hate being alone!

  2. I suppose it has to do with the experiences you've had since a very young age. How people have treated you and relationships you've had with certain types of friends. As well as how your parents have raised you has something to do with the type of personality you'll have... I've always been more the loner than popular. My reasons range from kids not really wanting to be my friend at times. to (two female cousins in particular) who always made me feel left out and were quite nasty to me, to my mom not taking much of an interest in having a mother/daughter relationship with me. A child's most important relationship (which has a lot to with molding them into the adult they become), is the one they have with the same-s*x parent. My mom never was much of a 'mom' in the sense that she never took the time to speak to me about things that mattered in my life.. Things like that can determine how outgoing or introverted you become.

  3. Be your true self whether you become popular or a loner.  You will end up happier in the long run.

  4. Do your own thing make people fit in with you not you in with them. Don't follow the crowd have the crowd follow you!


  5. I would rather be a loner than be popular.

    Popular people usually turn out to be losers at life. I just graduated high school like 2 months ago and all the popular kids I knew, now don't know what in the world to do with their life.

    I on the other hand, was an outcast all throughout high school. I don't believe anyone loved me accept my boyfriend that I found 3 years ago (and still with). But I had a plan. I decided I'm going to follow my uncle and become an FBI Agent. I'm in college earning my Associate's Degree. When I get that, I'm going to transfer over to a 4 year school and get my Bachelor's. Then I'm heading to the FBI.

    They made me feel like I was the loser back then. But I realized, it's the other way around now.

  6. It won't matter after schools done with, so be whatever you want to be and don't care about anything. Most of the popular kids end up with crappy jobs and crappy lives. The loners end up as celebrities. :D

  7. I have social anxiety disorder. It's hard for me to talk to others, so I've been living a loner for most of my life... it sucks.

  8. Squirrel:

    What if being yourself results in being disliked by others and isolated from others? What if being yourself only makes yourself more of a loner?

  9. I've always followed my own path.  At times that resulted in my being a loner but in the long run it MADE me popular.  ALWAYS BE YOURSELF!!  :@)

  10. I've always wanted to be popular but i've always been a loner, by choice.

    I've never really liked the popular kids so i'd rather not become what i despise.

  11. I hate to beat a dead horse.  *grabs whip* You should simply be yourself.  Who cares if you are popular if the people who are "your" friends are not liking the person who is truly you.?  Vice versa if you are yourself but only have a few friends you can be sure of the quality of those friends because they are there for the things that you can add to the relationship, not what you are pretending to be.  

  12. POPULAR!!!

    I was an ugly duckling from kindergarten thru middle school. I got picked on, I stuttered, I wore ugly clothes and thick glasses. By the time I developed, began puberty, and was able to wear contacts- girls were still trying to fight me because the guys were so in awed by me.

    Even now my girl is vey low key, but I tend to draw people to her just because of my association to her.

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