
Being bi. is that so wrong?

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like im 13 i like guys and girls

i havent found the right girl so i moved on to see about guys

my parents know but they always tell me all this stuff and it gets me so confused and it hurts because its not a part of their ways and that im not "normal" enough for them any advise!!!!!!





  1. first off i don't think anyone really knows what they want at 13...

    you still have time to grow up...

    but if that's how you feel i don't thing it has anything to do with being "normal enough" i think your parents just don't understand wat you are going through.....

    you have all these feelings and emotions going on with you...

    what i would do is find that one older person you can talk to about anything and let it all out....

    if you don't have ne one to talk to go to they will help out....

  2. That's vry common for teens. Don't just give up with girls and 'move onto guys'.

    Well, ill pray for u

  3. i think itz fine 2 be bi i mean i think bi guys r cute lol well jus go with wat u feel dont change urself 4 any1else it may seem odd 4 ur parents but itz who u r and try 2 explain that 2 them and u nvr know u mite find the rite gurl u jus need time i mean ur only 13 like me and i felt that i would nvr find the 1 but i learned 2 give myself some time hope this helps =D

  4. if your a guy then yeah dats so wrong straight up stick 2 chicks

  5. Being bi is perfectly normal. most people are bi and they just dont even know it because they dont want to believe it. Im bi and i dont have and close friends because of it. its hard but im not going to change myself for others. your still a little young and you might find out in the future which way you really go but until then just hang in there and dont let anyone put you down. your parents were probably just brought up that way...they think being g*y or bi is wrong and in the bible it is but god made you that way so its not ur fault. you cant choose what you want to be you are who you are and all you have to do is learn to accept it. but dont let anyone tell you that you are not normal because guess what! no is normal these days! =]

    ever need to vent to someone or have questions email me.

    ~Sherry Baby~

  6. totally wrong and un-healthy... plus you have to get checked every-six months. for g*y diseases... plus you might infect a good girl... so keep to one g*y and stay away form the girls....

  7. I see nothing wrong with bisexuality, particularly because I'm bisexual myself.  If it is your natural drive to be attracted to both genders, it's not only normal, but natural.  It does complicate your relationship to a degree.  You will need to be honest with the people you date about your sexuality, because there are some who wouldn't be ok with dating a bisexual guy.  And I'm afraid to say, there is a social stigma with being a bisexual guy.  Some think that it's better to be g*y than bisexual.  Others think that male bisexuality doesn't exist, that it's just a step to homosexuality.  I personally think all that is bullshit.  I would never have a problem dating someone who is bisexual.

  8. You're young and confused give yourself time you've got your whole life ahead of you it'll work out

  9. I think it's perfectly normal to feel that way. The more honest you can be with your parents and your self the better. Don't let other peoples opinion stand in your way. I was married for 14 years and came out of the closet after i got divorced. Talk about hard for some people to understand. It is what it is. Be true to yourself.

  10. Being bi is part of who you are.  Dont' let what others say get to you.  I'm g*y and I hid it from my parents for years until eventually it just blew up - not by my doing.  Parents can't see past the way they were brought up, and you need to know that nothing you are or do is wrong (unless you do something like kill someone, of course.)  Your sexuality is a very personal thing, and you need to remind them that just because you are g*y doesn't mean you aren't their son anymore, or that you haven't changed.

    Hope this helps - good luck.

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