
Being broke and not paying bills.

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I've just graduated from Beauty school. I am now working and supporting my husband who is in school. We just got married no wedding of course to broke for that. just a paper and we signed it. I haven't paid my credit card debt in over a year and a half. I own nothing. He owns nothing. I only make enough to pay rent and I make tips just enough to pay utilities. He has a night job that barely makes 100 every two weeks do to his short schedules. and we don't even have enough money for food. gas. or dog food. Living on nothing I guess that's what it's called everything we have is our parents stuff. And we are borrowing. We are in our lease for another 6 months and then he's joining the military when he finishes school. If I haven't paid my debt and every credit card bill we have is in collections what can they do to us if we own nothing??? I plan on paying it back when my husband gets his bonus from the military in about a year. That's the soonest we will have money. Any suggestions. There is no me getting a second job either I'm a hairdresser and we are in a recession and no one is hiring where I live. Everyone is unemployed. I make good money but I'm supporting both of us alone. And you don't want a haircut from a worn out hairdresser then I will make no money for sure!




  1. Well , try to consult a lawyer or an adviser if not do it on your own, if you cant afford to pay your bills i dont know how much you owe, but to tell u the truth credit cards r bad. Try to eliminate all other expenses you got in you girl. Make sure you know how to budget wisely. Don't go out for dinner yet make a little sacrifice it's for your own good anyway. Goodluck!

  2. hang in there/you will survive

  3. At this point your best option seems to be to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  Check with an attorney for more detailed advice.

    Essentially, your credit by now is trashed and it can't get any worse.  Use this opportunity to wipe away all of those debts so that once your husband finished school, you guys can put all this behind you and start over.  It makes no sense trying to pay off credit card debt that will essentially be over 2 years past due.

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