
Being bullied at school and some days i want to kill myself - please help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am new at the school this year for year 10 and have a group of friends, but feel like all the other groups are talking about me and i feel really akward..... i get called g*y, people walk past and stick pens in there mouths and suk on them to give me the s***s, walk past bump me, look at me wierd, when i say something in class, they all look at me and think im a looser and im g*y

i am gettin sik of this treatment by others and some days it gets to me really bad because i am not g*y and have done nothing to them at all.... i have some friends and in all my classes i have atleast one person who teases me and i hate it because i feel i cant be normal like everyone else... PLEASE HELP I DONT KNOW WAT TO DO.

in advance thank you everyone for your help




  1. i know that you feel like its the end of the word some days, but please, just listen to me. I have friend who nearly killed himself because he got into drugs and stuff, then people at school found out and gave him so much stuff about it. It really hurt him, but after he nearly killed himself, he really began to see that the people who love him are the only people that matters. Please, just trust me on this... though many people are trying to hurt you, their just jerks who have no real life. Stick to the people who care, and you will find peace sooner or later... just please dont kill your self, it hurts too many people

  2. Completely ignore this. It sucks, but they are looking for a reaction from you. Just walk right on by. Most schools have a "no bullying" policy. Talk to your counselor. The school will likely have a member of the staff observe these idiots in action but act like they happened to just "be there" while these jerks are doing this so you won't be suspected of snitching on them.

    Also, travel in a pack when you walk the halls. If possible, make sure you have friends around you at all times. They will be less likely to harrass you that way. Also, you could always change schools if it becomes too intolerable.  

  3. what is normal my friend ever one is different is these people make you feel inadequate that is there loss not yours keep your good friends close and rise above the rest  

  4. I hope I can offer some insight into your situation. Online advice is difficult and it's hard to condense a subject I have been studying for a year and a half now down into a short paragraph, but here goes.

    1-The advice to just ignore the situation sounds nice, but is not practical. If this type of behavior were occurring in my place of work I would not expect my boss to tell me to ignore it. Nor is it really possible to do so.

    2-Why do others bully you? Because they are jerks. Because they are bored. Because they want to belong...the reasons are endless, but they all have to do with them. You do not get bullied because of something you do, or the way you dress. There is something wrong with those who bully you, this is important to understand.

    3-Call attention to the offensive behaviors- Instead of ignoring what is happening, call attention to it. It is important that you not get emotionally worked up in the process, but if a guy walks past you sucking on a pen to annoy you ask him to stop (casually as you continue walking). This one in particular caught my attention because any reference to your supposed sexuality (pretending to perform sexual acts with pens or calling you g*y or f*g...etc.) is sexual harassment. Legal precedents have held that a school is legally responsible to act upon reports of such behavior, massive lawsuits against both individuals as well as school districts have been awarded when a school has failed to provide an emotionally safe environment in which to learn.

    It is important that you understand that the majority of people who harass and bully you, have nothing against you personally. To them it is funny because others do it and they want to be a part of the in crowd. They put little thought into their action or its consequences.

    I didn't want to make this too long, but if you have any further questions that I can help you with please feel free to contact me.  

  5. The next dude that calls you g*y  do this. Casually walk up to him and sucker punch that b*****d right in the nose or eye. As hard as you can. The worst thing that will happen is you will get a suspension. At least then you will have earned some respect, and people will think twice before saying something. And if your parents or teachers ask you why you would do that just tell them what the kids wer doing. They will obviously say "you should have came to us", but at the same time they will understand.  Make sure when you do it you do it somewhere where you know the teachers will step in just in case his friends decide to  team up on you (thous guys usually don't like to fight fair).

    Most of the kids who joke around at your expense in front of their friends are just trying to be "cool" in front of them. A good bloody nose (or better yet, a black eye) will bust their ego. Also most of these kids wont do jack if you ever stand up to them, or if they do they will only be trying to look good infront of their peers, but at the same time they will be shitting their pants in the process.

    However I understand why you would be to scared to do that. I was somewhat picked on in highschool, and looking back now I wish I would have given a few of thous kids a nice black eye.

    And the next time a girl walks past you doing the pen thing, just say "Sorry babe, but you really arent my type". That will catch them right off guard.

  6. ok i had the same pb

    i remember i answered to someone said a bad things to me

    i just said thank you! he didn't know what he must say

    actually he never talk to me after that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. block it out i had the same problem, im also in year 10 had thoughts of changing schools not killing myself but, i just blocked it out they didnt get what they wanted - a reaction - and they just stopped

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