
Being bullied at school?

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i'm in middle school right now, and ever since march, i've been just suddenlt bullied all the time. i try to ignore them, and the school year is almost over, so will things change next year?




  1. kick all the boys that bully you in the balls. hard

    kick all the girls who bully you in the v****a. hard

    doing this will stop the bullying temporarily.

    good luck. hope i helped.

  2. I understand what you're going through, I went through the same thing... and carried its weight a very long time.

    It was a very small school of about 250 kids and it sure felt like 249 of them were all on my case. Wearing pins with my name crossed out on it, stealing my shoes, pushing and shoving everytime they felt like it, inviting me to parties only to make fun of me when i got there, threatening to wait for me after school, and always being the last one picked for teams, never wanting to go on school outtings ect ect..., this was my daily routine, and it got so bad at one point I stopped taking the school bus (having to hide it from my parents ) and started taking the city bus so i could start my day off a little less stressed out.

    This started I was in middle school 5th grade & lasted throughout high school until I finally dropped out in 9th grade.

    And to this day I still dont know why they chose me.

    All this to say, it will most probably really shake your self esteem and make you doubt yourself for quite a while, BUT

    things change and ppl eventually grow up. You will one day be confident and sure of yourself, if you just let it go.

    Hang in there for now and believe your day will come.

    They are for the most part just brats. Half of them do it because if they dont, they fear they will be next.

    It really has nothing to do with you.

    Besides the tables usually turn, ( no one ever really sais this outloud ) but the cool ppl in school hardly ever stay that way, and the shy, quiet even picked on "outcasts", end up being the happy and successfull people!

    So, keep your head up :-)

    Good Luck!

  3. Name calling?  Who cares.  Ignore it.

  4. They are picking on you because they feel it makes them look cool to others. You have a couple of options here.

    1. Fight with them. Physically. Pick one a*****e who calls you names and sucker punch him. Even if he beats you up, people will be less likely to ever pick on you because they don't want to have to fight you every time. Worked for me in jr. high. (btw, I'm a girl and the kid I beat up was a boy)

    2. Look at them coolly, raise one eyebrow, then walk away, like saying "Are you serious? That's all you got?" Do this consistently enough and people won't feel cool for picking on you.

    3. Pick on them back. This may not work as well, since you don't want to have a vendetta out against you. But you might try calling the guys f**s and the girls *****.

    4. Tell. I should have put this one first. Have you tried telling someone? In all honesty, it probably won't do any good, other than, if you do get in a fight, you'll have a paper trail proving you asked for help.

    5. Ignore them. (How's that been working so far?) This may be better than any of the other options, but if you get fed up you may want to look into them.

    Remember, it's people who are picked on in Junior High and High School that go on to lead good lives. It really is. People who are cool now have already hit their peak. They'll be bald or fat and reliving their Jr. High days in thirty years while you're happy and satisfied in your career/family. This will pass.

  5. a lot of people get bullied and the good thing is that school doesn't last for ever. anyway they will probably find some one else after a while.

  6. "Be careful when you fight monsters, lest you become one."--Friedrich Nietzsche

  7. just try to avoid them and  keep your mind on school and as  you get older you can get them back where it counts(education and better jobs)then you will get the last laugh-good luck

  8. no they will not change, even when you are finish with school. there are going to be bullies all through your life and ignoring them is not going to work. Either you can stand for yourself or you can backdown and let it continue.

    but im wish i had learned this when i was in high school when i was being bullied..... Sarcasm, use sarcasm to make people feel like a dumb ***. master it can you wont be bullied anymore or as much.

  9. hey there look the same thing happened to my in middle school too, they were constantly calling me names and stamping me off as a weirdo. When the summer came I decided to totally reinvent myself but not to look or sound like them but more to being myself, I found my OWN style and redirected myself to working harder in school so I could go study. Well you should of seen the looks on their faces when I showed up looking good and writing good grades they never again bothered me I had come into my own. And so should you.

  10. These people will live there life without any guilt trips, there is no such thing as karma, so the best thing to do is live your life. Become successful and do what you want to do, because if you don't they already won. If it gets to serious, tell someone - there is no point in letting these people ruin your chance at success by stressing you out and physically striking you.

  11. I am in the same situation as you, except I'm in high school. I was bullied since the day I started preschool until now, but I just either ignored them or told on them. I just don't mind them, and it's getting better now. Just now that you are better than them and they don't deserve your attention. They want attention from you and if bullying you is the way they get, then they will continue to do it. Good luck. Things will change; do not worry, but if it gets real bad then tell someone! Trust me I have the whole school against me also and I don't even know them! Oh, and I've also started to reply to them with sarcasm since middle school. Try it and eventually they'll shut up because they'll feel dumb.

  12. I went through the same thing in 5th and 6th grade. I had moved to SC from PA and I was attending a "Christian" school. I was verbally harassed every day, I'd come home crying, I felt like I was worthless. It got to the point of becoming suicidal because my parents didn't understand or do much about it and I just didn't have anywhere else to go.

    Fortunately, I sat down and really thought about my life and life in general and came to the realization that things won't be like this forever. I realized that everything they said about was only their opinions and weren't true. Surely enough, I went to a public school from 7th grade on and everything changed for the better. I immediately gained new friends and all those people at that last school were no longer around me. I've had only good experiences from then on and have never looked back.

    Bottom line - things will get better; we all go through hard times, some more than others, but things will get better.

  13. i was a middle school teacher for 30 years.. and yes you did something.. you let them pick on you .. all i can say is this famous line...  A BRAVE MAN DIES A SINGLE DEATH...A COWARD DIES A THOUSAND TIMES... do you understand????

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