
Being consist or taking the risk?

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Hello, so I was wondering is it better to be consist or to take the risk? Let me explain. So I'm very consist with my irons, but i usually 30/70 my woods. Which usually slice horribly! I can actually only hit my 5 wood 30/70, but with a good hit I can usually hit 260 yards. At the moment I play boggy golf. I've tried everything lessons, one on one, practice, and etc. So at the moment I just try to stick to my irons. Is it worth making a fool out of myself on the course, or sticking to my irons? Oh btw any tips on how to prevent slicing is much appreciated.

ok funny story, I've aimmed 75 degrees to the left and from that point i still sliced about 120 degrees right ><




  1. i dont know if making your grip tighter is the right answer...line up with the ball on the inside of your left foot... then lightly grip the club.. over gripping can cause a serious slice..the term grip it and rip it is not a term anyone but pros should read. very misleading.. light grip ball on inside of left foot and a nice easy back swing .. dont kill the ball let the club do the work....also take your right thumb and place over the club dont put it on the side of the grip.. it creates a push which causes a slice.if that dont fix your slice...then try closing your club faces..hope u can eliminate the slice.. also the shot im tellling yon creates a beautiful fade .. NOT SLICE...sometimes straight down the middle... try it out and send me a email..

  2. This could be several things, from the grip to swing flaws.

    Where did you get your lessons?  Any pro shop can straighten your slice out.  However, you have to listen and practice what the pro suggests.  It will not disappear with one practice session.

    You are probably swinging over the top and not coming through the inside.  Your hips could be getting ahead of your hands, etc.  Strengthen your grip for starters.

  3. I had a similar problem to yours when I was starting to play well. My solution was to get a 1 iron and use that off the tee. I was able to play very consistantly and do well in tournaments. Nowadays they even have hybrids to replace to longer irons, you should see if this will work.

    Play consistant golf because that is really the key to success, but at the same time, work on your woods at the range (even if you have to take lessons). It really depends on how far you want to take your game.

    Good Luck

  4. Golf is ultimately taking the fewest strokes as possible, so it sounds like you would do that if you stuck with the irons.  But you are never going to improve hitting your woods without practice.  The further left you aim the more you will slice it so give up on that theory and learn how to hit the ball properly.  Sounds like your golf swing needs as much work as your spelling and grammar.

  5. To answer your first question, be consistent.  Work on your woods at the driving range, but practice course management while playing.  Hit a good drive with whatever club you can do it with, then take a good solid second shot (and third if you&#039;re on a par 5), then controlled approach shot, then aim to no more than two putt.  

    If you get off the fairway, don&#039;t try the hero shot.  Wedge it back out of trouble, advancing it if you can but don&#039;t feel bad about needing to go out sideways sometimes.

    Trust me, you might think the guys bombing it miles into the rough are laughing at you, but they&#039;re not.  They will actually be jealous that you are walking right down the middle and hitting the clubs you need to hit.  If you want to shave a stroke off, work on the 9i and wedges to get control with them so you can knock it close and one putt (work on your putting too).

    Trust me, I used to be the bomber with no control.  Now I play controlled shots down the middle, have dropped many shots off the score card, and usually beat most of the guys I play with.

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