
Being forced to use different personalities? what should i do?

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okay so i'm mixed. i have an equal amount of "white" frinds and an equal amount of "black" frinds. the "black" frinds seem to be wayyy much more cockier than my "white frinds" and i just don't fit in with them anymore as the years have passed by. my life is starting to take a turn for the worst. i'm being forced to take on split personalities. when i hang with the "white" kids i have to have vera bradley, and sperrys, and expensive clothing...when i'm with the "black" kids i have to be mean, crack helariusly funny jokes, and talk like i'm not receiving any education what so ever. i'm so tired of this...honestly what should i do?




  1. if you just act like yourself around both sets of friends, the ones that want you as a friend will stick around. it sounds like you have to act more when you're with your black friends. why would you want to talk like you don't have an education? if they're gonna judge you for that, s***w them. that's stupid.

    you really have to think about how you really are, how you really dress, and how you talk. picture yourself with a whole new set of friends that are all mix races. that way you won't get a certain influence from one or the other. how do you picture yourself acting?

  2. well at least you have matured enough to know this is not how it should be.  You don't have "different personalities", but this is who you are and how you act.  If you don't like being that person then change.  Be the change you want to see.  It reads like you are learning more about yourself.  Keep going inside to find yourself.  It makes a huge difference in the choices you make in life.  If you know yourself, the answers are so easy.  I have been there and didn't know myself - some painful growing lessons and years later I knew me.  I knew when to say No and when to say Yes.  Save yourself a lot of grief - learn who you are and who you want to be..and then be that person.  You will still see and feel pain.  It seems like you want to avoid controversy and maybe even yourself.

  3. You need to figure out which personality suits you better, which one you are more comfortable with.  Then, live your life according to that personality, at any cost.  If some friends from one side or the other can't handle your real personality, then they were not true friends to begin with, and you can certainly do without them.  Your happiness is what is most important here.

  4. you don't HAVE to be anyone besides yourself. if you have to fake who you are, then these people are not your friends.

  5. Be yourself no matter what. Who are you?

  6. BOTH OF THEM ARE IDIOTS!!!! you don't "have" to be anything! my advice, find friends that like you for you not anything less.

  7. The mainstay of psychiatric treatment for schizophrenia is an antipsychotic (aka "neuroleptic") medication. These can reduce the "positive" symptoms of psychosis. Most antipsychotics take around 7–14 days to have their main effect.

    Though expensive, the newer atypical antipsychotic drugs are usually preferred for initial treatment over the older typical antipsychotics; they are often better tolerated and associated with lower rates of tardive dyskinesia, although they are more likely to induce weight gain and obesity-related diseases. Prolactin elevations have been reported in women with schizophrenia taking atypical antipsychotics. It remains unclear whether the newer antipsychotics reduce the

    chances of developing neuroleptic malignant syndrome, a rare but serious and potentially fatal neurological disorder most often caused by an adverse reaction to neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs.

    Response of symptoms to medication is variable; "Treatment-resistant schizophrenia" is a term used for the failure of symptoms to respond satisfactorily to at least two different antipsychotics. Patients in this category may be prescribed clozapine, a medication of superior effectiveness but several potentially lethal side effects including agranulocytosis and myocarditis. Clozapine may have the additional benefit of reducing propensity for substance abuse in schizophrenic patients. For other patients who are unwilling or unable to take medication regularly, long-acting depot preparations of antipsychotics may be given every two weeks to achieve control. The United States of America and Australia are two countries with laws allowing the forced administration of this type of medication on those who refuse but are otherwise stable and living in the community. Some findings have found that in the longer-term some individuals may do better not taking antipsychotics. Despite the promising results of early pilot trials, omega-3 fatty acids failed to improve schizophrenic symptoms, according to the most recent meta-analysis.

    TL;DR   PWNED!!1111!!!

    BTW L2 SPEL!!!LOLZZ!!!11

  8. that's interesting but i think you are generalizing.  i think you just have crappy friends.

    not all whites are like that and not all black are like that.  and skin color has nothing to do with it.  it's probably just a persona that they put on which is a fake personality all in it's self.

    find new friends sista!  you should not have to change yourself to fit into a group of people and nobody is forcing you!

  9. I know when im with the Nerdy Mexicans i act eduacated and have nice clothes and im nice

                     but when im with my real Mexican friends i start being cocky loud sometimes rude and messing around

                                     i asked my self that question and i just said i love my friends so im just going to change to hang with both of them

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