
Being induced next wed. I need some reasurence...?

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OK so my doctor scheduled me to be induced next wednesday. Im sooo scared and im very nervous all ive heard is how painful it is and how long of a process it takes. I don't want negativity i just want to hear your story's on how you being induced went. If anyone has any positivity on how your inducing went i would love to hear about it. Id love to hear all the positive things on being induced and how well it turned out for you.

Im scared to death and i'd just love to hear the good things and the positive things it did for you. Thanks




  1. I was induced for both of my pregnancies, some people just need help along the way to get it done. MY first pregnancy, with my daughter i got induced for high blood pressure, and i was in labor for about 8 hours, and then my second pregnancy, my son, i had the same problem towards the end, so, they induced me again , and for the fact that i was having contractions for like two weeks straight and they could not stop them for good, i was always in and out of the hospital! I did great though with both, it is not too bad at all!  

  2. I was induced as a surprise due to a slow leak (water broke days before)....I was also scared,,,,,,I was pleased at how soon they gave me an epidural......At first I refused on but the nurses insisted that I have one because the potocin causes very hard contractions to get you dialated(i was not when I went in).  I was as comfortable as one could be in labor.  I was in labor for 9 hrs.  However as you talk to people you will find out that the time you spend in labor is all forgotten once that baby gets there.........I delivered vaginally and with no complications......I think that all experiences are scary.I have since had 2 c-sections and would love to be induced any day!!!!  Good Luck, you'll be fine!!

  3. well lucky you have time to think (well maybe cuz i probably would have freaked myself out too lol) but i went in for my 38wk checkup and the doc told me that my son wasnt growning as well inside me as he could outside my body. so he induced me that night. i went to the hospital at 5pm that night and at 7 they induced labor. the next morning at 7a, they broke my water (they let me shower first, so maybe ask if you want). i was also on morphine every hour throuh the night cuz i have a weak cervix and lots of pain but as long as you dont have a weak cervix id say its fine. but they will give you something if you are in pain. dont worry. then once my water was broke i dialated fora  few hours and finally was fully dialated around 3pm. they gave me epidural as well. i only pushed 5 times and had him lol...born at 4:41. everyone is different but this is my story. i wish you luck and dont worry...its actually nice. you dont have to worry about not getting epidural if you need it cuz the labor is scheduled. everything will be prepaired and ready to go rather than being caught by surprise. good luck

  4. I was induced with my last pregnancy and it went fine.  If you aren't using a midwife... they will more than likely give you an IV (no biggy) and start pitocin.  Pitocin will get the contractions moving.  I chose to get an epidural because pitocin can make the contractions very strong.  IV pain meds can also help take the edge off.  For the average population contractions start out gradual and work up in duration and intensity... so even with induction you will have some warm up contractions before the hard working ones kick in.  Don't worry you'll do great!

  5. Why are you being induced at 39 weeks? I'm assuming there's a good medical reason for it.

    I was induced: the labour itself was no big deal. It was my first labour and I didn't know any different so the "pain" was not really hard to handle. The one thing I did struggle with was being confined to the bed (I was also hooked up to monitors - no fun).

    I recommend you negotiate with your care provider to stay off the bed as long as possible. Walk, use a birth ball, get in the shower or the bath, squat, be on all fours... ANYTHING but on your back.

    In my honest opinion it is the position (on your back, on the bed) that causes the pain, not so much the induction.

    The other factor that can increase pain is fear and many women are stressed, anxious and fearful when they are subjected to medical interventions in birth. Fear, stress and anxiety cause the body to produce a "figh or flight" response. This produces hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline etc) that actually slow labour down by blocking the release of oxytocin - the hormone that induces labour naturally. In fact, the drug they use to induce labour medically is a synthetic version of oxytocin called syntocinon or pitocin.

    The best thing you can do is get informed and empower yourself to have a great birth, no matter whether you are induced or not. Trust your body: she knows what she's doing. Every woman in your line - your mother, her mother and so on - has given birth and that knowledge is carried in every cell of your body.

    The syntocinon will make the labour quite intense, but then again normal labour is quite intense too, especially during transition. Embrace the contractions; each one will bring you one step closer to meeting your baby. All the work and all the intensity will be well worth it in the end.

    Good luck and happy birthing.

    You can do it!

  6. I was induced with all three of my children.  It was not painful at all.  There are a few ways to do it, one is placing a pill type thing in your v****a against the cervix, it makes your water break..painless.  If that doesnt work they will basically use a stick,  yes i know that sounds painful but it isnt, they basically poke the membrane open, with my last child it was very thick , i only felt a little discomfort but no pain.  Relax you have nothing to worry about.  Besides that was 8 years ago im sure they have even more ways to break your water that are painless and more comfortable.  

    If you want to try and do it yourself, use one of those huge plastic bouncing balls and bounce on it..ride a horse..take walks...have s*x alot...

  7. I was induced with both of my kids.  The first one because my fluid was low and they felt she'd be better out than in; the second because I'm high risk and the dr.  felt there was no need for me to carry her past 38 weeks. It's some what nice because you can plan to have family there knowing the exact date your being induce, especially if they live out of town.  It was ok, I just had to sit there and wait a little while.  My last one (2 months ago) I was given the pitocin at 8am and had her at 9:30pm  Goodluck and don't be scared, you'll be so happy.

  8. The best thing about being induced is that you now have the opportunity to plan everything out and get everything exactly how you want it to be. Honestly, pregnancy is painful no matter what, you aren't going to feel any different than the lady in the next room so I wouldn't fret about that. My secretary has been induced twice and both labors were less than an hour of pushing. So I would think it could go more quickly. Hope that helps! Have a wonderful time and just think this time next week you'll be a MOMMY! Yeah!

  9. Congratulations darlin'!!  DO NOT listen to anything negative that people have to say.  Childbirth of course, is a bit painful...but would you believe that as soon as your baby is born, you will completely forget about it! You'll see! It's a wonderful pain I would love to do over and over again (but I'm too old now).  The really good thing about inducement, is that you know when it's going to happen and your already prepared and at the hospital.  No obstacles like a traffic jam or a car that won't start.  You're there, nice and comfy, and your little bundle of joy will be in your arms soon.  I'd love to trade places with you if I could. Enjoy Wednesday. It's your sweet baby's birthday!!

  10. Don't worry!! I have a 4 week old baby and i had to be induced with him. It's not that bad i was very scared too, so scared i was getting sick to my stomach from nerves the morning i went in. but everything will be fine i had a epidural and all the pain stopped the nurses even had to tell me when i was having contractions and when to push. the only thing that hurts the worst is peeing the first time and if you do that in the shower (because they make you shower after-wards) it doesn't hurt nearly as bad. So don't worry you will do fine and just look at the great baby after-wards.  

  11. I'm going to be TOTALLY honest with you here. The induction was EASY AS CAKE. I, too, had heard all sorts of horror stories.

    It was much easier than I'd ever imagined.

    The part that sucked? The EPIDURAL of all things was the absolutely worst part of my whole labor. Not getting it, not dealing with it, but the fact that it stopped my labor in its tracks and I ended up requiring a c-section (not the plan by any means).

    To be TOTALLY HONEST being induced relieved a lot of stress of "when am I having this baby" etc. BUT I do feel that I missed out on the "magic" of going into labor naturally, and I hope to go into labor naturally with my next baby.

    Best of luck!

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