
Being made fun of because of my weight ?

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I think my weight is fine but apperently not everyone thinks the same. For you to get a better visual of me, I'm 5'7 and 115. My BMI is about 18. My family and friends always call me anorexic like it some kind of joke. I'm 14 and a freshman in highschool and i've already had a bunch of people ask me about my weight and everything. I'm not boney either. I just don't have a butt. Plus my legs and thighs are skinny. I eat like a pig too ! I just play volleyball and run a little. What is something i can say or do for people to stop saying these things?




  1. Do some butt exercises.You can build your glutes so they get bigger.

  2. The best thing to do is ignore them. As long as your happy with your body dont worry about them. Tell them your happy with your size. I was skinny all the way until 18, i was 5'2 110 and everyone use to call me skinny and bony. Now I'm 5'3 130 and everyone says I'm fat. Which i'm not I'm just bigger then what i used to be. So people will always talk about you. Just love yourself and ignore them and ask for them to keep their opinions to themselves.

  3. You sounds a little underweight, but nothing to worry about at 14.  You will likely put on a bunch of weight in the next couple years.

  4. I will almost guarantee they are jealous of you! One of my friends really struggles to put weight on too - it makes me sick, why is no-one just right:? Why do people either say you're too fat or too thin?! Tell them to get a life, and your family should know better, jibes about weight hurt whether they say you're too big or too thin! You exercise and eat well so just try and be happy as you are!

  5. That's a bit underweight but as long as you don't do it on purpose that's fine... maybe you just have a super fast metabolism... As for the people who make fun of you, they are stupid and they have no life... just ignore them, besides... they might just be jealous, who knows?

  6. you may have a disease like diabetes go to a health care and check up your body status  

  7. You are going through the "ugly swan" stage of your life. Everyone goes through it. I bet by this time next year you won't even think about it. Remember you are going from a child to an adult. You're growing so fast that you look a little funny. Hun remember every kid at your school feels the same and a lot of them pick on you to make them feel better about their body's! Good Luck

  8. people will always be jealous, no matter what people will always be cruel its in their make up, just ignore dont gain weight. people are naturally thin, it happens their idiot for not knowing what that thing called matablism is and how it differs in everyone, just say shut up your mad your fat.

  9. you probably do sound a little underweight.maybe just ignore the ppl ad soon youll gain weight cause of puberty.

  10. It sounds to me like they are jealous - you say you can eat like a pig and don't gain weight - those other girls are sooooooo envious of you!

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