
Being prejudice aginst the youth, is it ok?

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A few weeks ago one of my teachers was talking about a student who was wearing a rebel flag belt buckle, and was sent home for it. She completely agreed with the school for sending him home. When I told her it was unconstitutional to send someone home for practicing freedom of speech, she became enraged. She told me I had no rights, I could not vote, buy certain material, or watch certain material. But that's about it. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN CITIZEN IS GRANTED THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, and am i not an American citizen? I am 100% positive

that i am. What makes an adult any better than the youth? Do they think they are more mentally developed than we are so they have the right to believe that they own us? Have they never read the 1st amendment?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That just shows how arrogant some people can be at times. If the youth of america were a different race, it would be a completely different story. It would be racism. If the youth of america were a certain s*x, it would be sexism. But we are not, we are the youth, adults are not more superior that us, just as whites are not more superior than blacks.

Back to the story, right after giving me this "lecture" she started talking about the Dr. King speech, and how we are all created equal, what a hipicrit. The irony of the situation was unbearable, so l let out a quiet chuckle, she asked me what I was laughing about and I did not say a word, why? Because in her perspective I have no freedom of speech.

I see myself as a 14 yr old who makes decent grades and is pretty open mided, ist there any others out there that acctually agree with me?




  1. Agism and violation of the first amendment are wrong, yes.

    Glad to see that someone else thinks this way.

    I even think that voting age should be 13.

    And it would be pretty cool if you organised a school protest.

  2. The teacher and school have a bug up their ***.......the kid should have every right to wear a rebel flag buckle to school; would they have told a kid wearing a communist red star t shirt, hat, buckle to go home? No.

    Organize a school walk out....protest..... If I was the kids parents I wouldn't take this sitting down.

  3. I think that you handled yourself very well during what appears to be a very difficult discussion and uncomfortable situation.  Unfortunately, you are going to meet people like this your entire life.  I am not saying it's right but it's "real".  I am a teacher and I tell my students (who are 8th graders by the way)..that this is the age for questioning..this is the time for them to start questioning the motives and opinions of adults around them.  Not in a disrespectful way (nor in a way that will get you put in the principal's office) but an assertive way.  It appears that your teacher responded inappropriately, however, I do not know what was or is going thru her mind or her thoughts on why she acted the way she did.  I wouldn't say that the world is prejudice against the youth, but just like generations before you, a lot of what youths are doing is frowned upon (by some..not all).  Take it with a grain of salt, and don't let it ruin your year.  AND..don't let it stifle your opinion or make it where you stop speaking your seems as if she forgot that the youths of today...are the leaders tomorrow.  I want my leaders to ask questions!  Lots of them :>  

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