
Being pressured to have s*x?

by Guest45316  |  earlier

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U see me n my boyfriend have been going out for 5 months now n we've been thru alot of c**p 2gether n we both love each other a WHOLE lot. But u see Im 15 n he's 19. yah i kno wat ur gonna say he's too old n there must be something wrong with him if he knt find someone his age. But its not like that wen we first met he thought i was much older bcuz i was in his senior class.

So anyways the thing is im a virgin n he's not. I wud ask him if it were okay if we ddnt have s*x in the time that we were together n he said that he was perfectly okay with that. But lately he asking me constantly if we wud ever do it. n i keep sayin no. But he dsnt seem to be listening.

N dnt say he's just bein a horny loser that dsnt love me cuz i kno he's not. We wudnt have been in a long distance relationship for 5 months if he ddnt. But wat shud i do?




  1. to be honest, i am not from your country. in my country the girls only starts a "courtship" only the old boys!!! if you was in my coutry, that was normal!!!

    look, you can't be pressed for you boyfriend! you have yourself opnion! if you be pressed, you will show you are weak! don't you want, right? so, let he get f***ed!

    Be yourself! if he loves you, in true, he will understand! when my friends pass for a seemed situation, i say this words, and they understand. try to explain it for your boyfriend! he will understand!!!

    If you want some hints, add me on msn:  

  2. listen its obvious that u r not ready to have s*x i m 16 my love is 20 and he never  pushed me for anything ever been together for 2 yrs and i love him to death too but listen if he doesnt respect ur wish not to sleep with him then he doesnt respect u and doesnt love u so obviously wants to use u dont do it cuz the result of having s*x with him can cause u depression,STD'S and a pregnancy so just wait for the right guy dont do it with him

  3. drop him

  4. dont be crazy

    drop the jerk

  5. Do not do it until you are ready, I am a 21 year old guy and I hate it when guys pressure girls like that, it just makes us other guys look bad!  if he is pressuring you like that, then he probably doesn't respect you enough, Just don't do anything you might regret, You only lose your virginity once! But it is your decision, not any of ours!  I know how long distance relationships are though, I was in the army for 2.5 years and A guy can get pretty horny, away from his girl, But, you should just tell him you are not ready, and do not like it when he keeps asking, try phone s*x? or a cold shower!

    But, if he still pressures you then He is just being a jerk, There are plenty of other little fishies in the sea, esp, in H.S.

  6. If anyone has s*x with you before you are 18 years old, with or without your consent, they are guilty of statutory rape and could get into legal trouble.  If someone pressed charges against him, he'd be toast.  That s/b enough reason for both you and he to not have s*x.

    That aside, my advice is you should never give in to pressure for s*x unless you are ready for it.  Any guy who pressures you to have s*x against your true wishes is just being selfish and does not have your best interests at heart.  I'm a guy - believe me I'm right on this one.

  7. Stay just as sweet as you are right now. You don't need s*x in your life right now. Its your body not his, so just keep on saying no untill you really feel that you(not him) really want to have s*x. I know you don't want to hear this, but you are still a minor and your boy friend could go to prison for a long time. I don't think you would want that.

  8. He's trying to use you for s*x. Drop him NOW.

  9. DON'T have s*x with him. You're not even legal yet! If he has s*x with you he could EASILY get arrested because it's classed as rape in the eyes of the law. At LEAST wait until you're 16, so that it's legal. If your boyfriend isn't willing to wait that long and keeps pestering you, dump him immediately. That's not the sort of guy you should waste time on.

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