
Being psychic?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever someone asks me a question, I always get the question right. Example: first name, middle intial, shoe size, birthday, favorite color, etc. Am I psychic? I see the answer in my head.




  1. Okay I will play. What is my middle name? Then again, I know about Psychic abilities, so gotcha! Play with fire you will get burned.

  2. Are they asking about your name, middle initial, shoe size, etc.  If so, I would say that you're not psychic.  If you know this information about yourself, you are barely not an idiot.

  3. well i do beleive that tthere area few special ppl who may be phycic...but idk there area also a lot of ppl who claim to be so i think its for you to decide!

  4. you could be, but how did you discover these and when? also u should do more tests and increase the difficulty.

  5. Sounds like you're very psychic.  You should work on developing your skills as you could really help people with it.  Are you a Pisces?  They say pisces, and scorpio, are very psychic?  I have a pet, can you tell me it's name?

  6. Shouldn't be too hard to guess shoe size- especially if you can see the person.

  7. My answer is maybe you are.If it's true,be the first to show the world.If you don't or can't,I'd have to say it's probably boasting.Believe it or not nothing would please me more.Then to have you show it as more then baseless bragging..

  8. I have 2 dogs. Tell me either of their names.

    Edit..If you can do might mean that a spirit is telling you the answers. In that case...this might be the reason your house is haunted.

    Edit..Also..if you know the names of my dogs..I'm wondering if that same spirit is traveling over to MY house to find out their names! lol I'm  going to try not to call them by name until you answer my question and tell me what you think their names are!

  9. If you've been getting all these questions right and you actually SEE the answers in your head, then yes there is a very good chance you could be psychic :) You could be accidently "going into the zone" (a psychic's method of seeing things and gathering information) without realising it. Its a gift :)

  10. What is my first name?

    Haha, just kidding.  How about my middle and last name?  Birth date?

  11. I'll tell you what, you tell me my shoe size and birthday and I will be forever a convert. However, I doubt that you will...

  12. what's my first name?

    just testing your abilities, i believe in psychics..let me know :)

  13. there is no such thing

  14. ok maybe lets test it whats my name? whats my fav color? and whats my show size?

  15. If it were true you would be psychic, yes.

    OK. What is my shoe size?


  16. you most likely do, I wouldn't tell much people about this ability though, entrust it to people you can trust, I know.

  17. you sound psychic just like my cousin :)

    he finishes peoples sentences even when he

    doesn't know them he guesses peoples favourite colors

    and their starsigns even over a chat room
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