
Being punished later today - advice?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, there's no way I'm gonna get out of this, and I know it's unfair but helpful answers would be appreciative.

Later today 'm being punished for continual disrespecctive behaviour, lying, stealing etc: I have been bad but I'm really worried.

The punishment is going to include a 3 min mouthsoaping, lots of spanking with 3 or so different implements, 30 minute corner time AND a 4 page essay. :(

I'm so scared... Any advice? (btw, this is legal where i come from :( )




  1. Sure, it's legal

    Anything is legal  in Fantasyland..

    Schools out!

  2. suck it's gonna happen...maybe consider that being a criminal in training isn't the best idea...straighten up your act...

  3. Take it! My step brother gets those probably 3-5 times a week. and hes 11 and does BADDER things than u

  4. how old are you? soap washing went out 30 years ago if you did the things you said then you just need a good ol spanking and grounded and  all computers and TVs etc taken away during the grounding, you should be forced to pay back what you stole or make restitution. and not get any of the luxuries back until you showed respect and earn them back! now I think you are getting off easy aren't you glad I am not your parent! you would have h**l to pay. keep it up and you will end up in juvi or jail.

  5. I don't agree with those methods of punishment. It sounds like you really need to get to the bottom of why you're behaving like this. If you really see that your behavior is wrong,then it's up to you to change it. I don't believe punishment will change this. It will only happen when you decide you're ready to be a better person. I hope you'll consider what I've said. You're very young and you can still change your path. Like I said I don't believe in hitting children,but your parents are within their rights to discipline you and take away your freedoms until your behavior improves. God Bless.

  6. hahaha....awe! maybe you will learn to respect grown folks. its legal where i come from to, its also legal to write ur feelings on paper and cuss out whoever you want without bein disrespectful!

  7. That it.

    They're letting you off easy.

  8. wow, that really really really sucks!! talk about harsh. when i got caught lying and skipping class (ONE TIME OKAY!!) i got the "How can I ever trust you again?" and it was enough for me.

  9. Not legal where I come from. Suck it up and take your punishment. If you weren't such a naughty person, then you would not need punishing. Every action has a reaction: think about that next time before you want to be 'bad'

  10. Take your punishment and try to learn from it.  Be strong, apologize and try not to repeat your offenses.

  11. I'm glad I'm not you, that's all I can say. It does sound like you desever it though, so learn from it... don't let them catch you next time! (joke)

    Mouthsoaping: Is this the bit you've already had? Make sure you drink LOTS of water after words and eat something to get the taste away.

    Spanking: Hate it, but that's me. 3 different implements... hide them! (joking again) Put cream on your bum after words and have a bath to stop it blistering. If it gets incredibly unbearable scream, and maybe the spanker will stop.

    Corner time: How old ARE you? Corner time is something I do with my under fives! 30 minutes is quite a long time, so I would use it to plan out your essay. Just in your mind, like in the first bit I'll say ___, and in the second _____etc.

    Essay: Use a big font.

    Good luck, and remeber it will be over by tonight!

  12. sounds like a little exaggeration to me

  13. Yeah, you probaly deserve it and you will understand why better when you have kid of your own. They are only doing it to make you a better person. My advise, stop getting smart and there is NOTHING worse then a liar and a thief. Do unto other as YOU would have sone unto you.

  14. Learn from the punishment and dont do all teh stuff again and it wont happen!

  15. good luck... it sounds awful.

    i honestly cant give any advice to make it better but just ramble on the essay, have a mint after the soap, and relax in the corner. doubt it will help.

    where you from like?

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