
Being "READY" to have a baby?

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So, my husband and I are planning on getting pregnant at the start of 2009. However, all of my family talks about how proud they are of me for waiting until Im ready. I dont really talk about myself having kids to them because they are all set in their ways. They have been telling me to wait since I was 18...when I got married. Im almost 21 now, and we feel it is time. My husband is in the airforce, and has less than two years left. We really want to have our baby in our home now because its our first that we own, and we would like to have it before his contract ends with the military. I will be 22 and he will be 24. I know its young, but is that too young?? I will have a year left of school by the time baby is born...I took lots of time off..being a military wife was stressful at first! lol! Anyway, I have an uncle who just now had a baby..he is 42.My grandma gave me this huge lecture yesterday about how they are the best parents because they waited 13 years after marriage.




  1. My Grandma is the exact same way! But... I know what is best for my family, as it sounds you know too! I think you are perfectly ready to start your family. Good luck!

  2. I think that it is different for every coulple and only they can decide when they are ready to start a family. Who is to say what is too young? I think when you are on your own and are able to support yourself financially and are emotionally ready as a couple to expand you should do it. Having a baby will be stressful no matter when you do it but its worth all of it. My husband and I just turned 23 and LOVE being young parents.

  3. If you think the time is right, go for it.  It is nobody's business when you and your hubby have kids.  Having said that, maybe you should consider finishing school first.  Honestly, school will be the farthest thing on your mind while you are caring for baby and you may not want to go back to it.  Think about this very carefully.

  4. If you and your husband are ready financially and emotionally, I don't see why you shouldn't go for it.  If I were you, I wouldn't care too much about what the family thought.

  5. Although I was 28 when I had my first and am a navy wife I believe you can never be "ready" for a child. I know 35 year olds that get it wrong. So if you and your husband are ready then that's all that matters. The child is yours and his so that's where the decision lies. Your family, and everyone else will always have an opinion but yours is the one that counts. Good luck!

  6. My mom had my brother when she was 21 and she was a great mommy!!!! You sound like you're ready. Just prove everyone that young parents can be good too! = D

  7. No way in h**l I would wait 13 yrs! LOL.  I had a baby when I was ready.  22 was too young for me, but you have to do what's right for you.

  8. I don't think it's age, it's maturity.  The only thing you may want to consider is getting school finished before you have the baby.  I know people who either have never managed to get back or it just took them forever.

  9. i think you are as ready as you feel, but you also have to look at the things you would want to do in life.  I would think it best you finish your education first coz once the baby sets in you may find it difficult to go back to school and it could take you at least two or three years before you are able to, or even feel ready to go back to school.  And at 21 honey i still think you are a little bit young. 25 sounds much better and at least that will be after you are all done with school.

    At the end of the day, you've got to really think about it and do what's best for you and your unborn child.  I wish you luck gal

  10. i thik that you are not to young.. i thik its grate that you have been togeather that long before having kids that way you have $$ saved and all... if you want to have a kidd and you are ready then go for it


    good luck

  11. If you feel the time is right for you then do it. For my sister it was 20 (thought her son was a surprise) and for me it was 29. Besides, being a military spouse can make you grow up very quickly. I think you can do it, just have a good support system in place to help with the baby while you finish school.

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