
Being "exotic" in acting?-10 pts?

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Is being considered "exotic" looking a plus or minus in the acting industry?

10 pts




  1. It really depends on what movies you want to go in. For some roles, they're going to want exotic, and only exotic movies. For example, if they made a movie about say Alladin that wasn't animated, they aren't going to want caucasian people... They'd want someone who looks exotic. For the most part though, that isn't waht they're looking for. So, in the wrong situations (Where they want a cast that is white) it would really hurt you and you wouldn't have a chance. But in the right situations (where they WANT exotic-looking actors/tresses) you'd have a VERY good chance since there aren't very many exotic looking actresses out there. Or at least not as many as there are white actresses. So, all in all, it could go either way. But give it a chance and search first for movies that are looking for women who are more exotic looking.

  2. Ahhh... you reminded me of one of my first productions where I had to play a jungle trader with a russian accent. One of the hardest roles I've ever had to play, but because I was odd and unusual (My form of being exotic) I got the part and hit it off. I even made a few little fans who really looked up to me (I'm in high school, so they were little kids, but it none the less felt great to have little ones look up to me)

    Lol, yes I'm getting to the question. Being "exotic" as you would say is a great trait!! Although I'm not sure how exotic you mean, if it's enough then you'll stand out to the Stage Manager and Casting Assistant. And standing out is always a plus. During your auditions, try to do things that make you stand out. My friend, after all the monotony and boringness of every actor before him, got up onstage and introduced himself with a big smile, an awkward wave starting with his arm stretched as far to the opposite side of his body, and greeted the audition holders with, "Salutations!! My name is _______ and I'm number _______" This really made them notice him, and they didn't forget him. What I'm trying to say, is don't forget to use what you have. If you look exotic, then use it and do what you can to show it off.

  3. I would say a huge pluse the producers love exsotic people!! Trust me i know

  4. Neither. It alll depends. I suppose if you look exotic, that will obviously boost your chances of getting the role of an 'exotic' character.

    Without sounding harsh, it doesn't matter whether your exotic or not. It's if you've got talent and you look attractive.

    Many people find 'exotic' people attractive, so possibly, yes.

    i assume your thinking of becoming an actor? me too!

    maybe i'll see you on the red carpet someday! lol.


  5. It can definitely be a plus since you have a unique look that doesn't put you into a traditional or average category. My daughter who was described as exotic as well, being half Japanese and half Caucasian, ended up getting all kinds of work in films and theater staring in Hawaiian, Latino and Asian roles. Consider yourself very lucky.

  6. I think it totally depends on the role.

    It can work for you...

    If you are planning to be on stage, more distinct features won't be a big deal if they want you to "blend in".

    If you are looking for screen work, it can go either way.

    I think Angelina Jolie is "exotic"... She can read ethnic or totally plain depending on what they do to her. It's kinda crazy isn't it?

  7. well it means strikingly strange or unusual so i sopose if could have been good if they were saying your acting personality is different then most or it could have ment that but in a bad way. it truly depends on how it was used

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