
Being sent to my room when trying to tell my parents something inportant?

by  |  earlier

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ill start off saying that u have to read my last post if u evan want to attempt at answering this one its title is how to tell my parents? ok to the point.... i sat my parents down and i told them everything and they didn't evan say anything to me accept go to ur room....... why would they send me to my room?




  1. For crying out loud, that's not fair!   The problem is that they don't want to deal with you right now for whatever reason.  You need to let the air clear for awhile.  Let things settle down a bit.  The worst thing you can do is try to reason with them when they are still mad.  Give them time to cool down.  When you see that they have chilled then approach them again.

  2. I am a parent. If you are 13 they just need time to process that you are doing sexual things first and then that you have an std. Give them a little time. I would be freaked out!

  3. Well I fear I would have sent you to your room too.  Hey you ain't got it so bad you got a computer in your room anyways.   Listen I suppose if my son told me something like that I would have been in shock and may not have been able to say anything else.  I think you have it good though many other parents would have really flipped and done many unexceptable things...

  4. Maybe they were shocked and wanted to talk it out without you there.

    My parents do the same have enough to worry about, aside from your parents.

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