
Being single hate it or luv it?

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I hate it..........even though im 14.......i really want a gf




  1. im 20 newly single after 4 years n i hate it!

  2. I'm used to it now, but it would be great to be out there again sharing things with someone special...

  3. i'm 16 never had a Girlfriend how do you think i feel? its terrible being single :(

    Good Luck to you though mate :)  

  4. I'm 30 and loving being single. At 14 you have plenty of time to find a gf and settle down. Enjoy being young whilst you can!

  5. hate it

  6. im 19 and i was single again just recently and I HATED it.  once you've had your first experience of something close, you just want more.

    but seriously, im glad I waited till I was a little older to have a bf. it would have messed up my studying if i'd had one back then - too much to think about as it is! just wait till you've got a bit more experience before you think about having a gf, it sounds really patronising but it was the best advice i was given when i was around your age and im proud and glad that i followed it.

  7. love it :D best way to be for now :)

  8. why? i love it and im 14 also, its a freedom, not to be tied down :P

  9. Let's see I'm 20 and I am happy being single.  I have no time to commit to a relationship and I want to enjoy my single-hood.  

  10. Whoa, slow down, partner! You are only 14. You have ure whole life ahead of you. U'll find a girlfriend. If it bothers you so much, then date more. Meet more people, but honestly, I think that you are a bit young to be in a relationship. Maybe you should get in one when ure 16 or 17. Hopefully by then, you will be mature enough to handle the ups and downs of a relationship, but not now.  

  11. i'm 14.

    i hate being singlee.!

  12. im taken so idk

  13. I love it and hate it! I'm 21 and not really had a proper boyfriend. The one guy i was with sexually assaulted me the first day into our 'relationship'. i just meet all the wrong people and all my friends think this and say its nothing to do with me personally but I'm just to kind.I like the independence of being able to do what I want, when I want but I would like someone i could spend time with, someone who i could cuddle up to and just spend quality time with.

    Remember though that you don't need a girlfriend to complete you.  Your only 14 you have your whole life ahead of you. take everyday as it comes and just be yourself and enjoy life

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