
Being super skinny for skinny jeans?

by  |  earlier

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How skinny a man actually have to be to wear skinny jeans with style without getting awful looks??




  1. skinny;...

  2. um skinny enough lol, they are more for s**y emo boys *daydreams*

  3. EWWWWWWWWWW, guys should never under any circumstances wear them!!!!! NEVER EVER EVER!

  4. Dude, there is nothing s**y about a skinny man.

  5. I have the biggest fan girl teenager crush on Gerard Way

    He wears skinny jeans and he ain't the thinnest tool in the shed if you know what I mean

    If I saw a guy who was kinda big wearing skinny jeans I wouldn't give them awful looks at all

    Just make sure you guys don't wear skinny jeans that are too skinny so we can see all of it

    ya know what I mean

  6. I have muscly legs and wear Skinny Jeans, girls are always checking out my butt.

  7. They shouldn't wear them. They look a hundred times better on girls, not biased at all.

    But yeah, no chunky thighs in skinnies. Don't wanna see that thanks.

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