
Being teased? plzz plzzzz answer!?

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ok. so these guys in my grade are making fun of me and telling me that i am related to this dorko that no one likes.

i am scared of what they might say in school tomorrow and i dont want to face them

any help??





  1. umm I just beat the **** out of them

  2. Just tell them that the world started with two people, so you must be related to them too. In fact everyone is related in some way. :)

  3. its sad that kids can be so tough.

    I know its hard to just ignore them, but IF they do say things to you that are mean, I would just not respond, act like you think They are the dorks (which they are).

    That is the way boys are unfortunatley.... and I know from watching other kids... if you let them know that it bothers you then they will keep doing it even more, if you just act like "whatever, you guys are morons and dont even pay them attention... roll your eyes if they say anything mean" then I really think they will stop and go bother someone else that they can get a rise out of.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Be tough.... good luck.

  4. you must talk to the teacher or ingnor the boys and throw them of cource by saying something like this "if i valued your pointless observation I would be ofennded by that ,since i dont ,go home like good little boys and stop bothering me"

  5. I read in this book about bullying that you need to turn words that they say around so you are sort of laughing it off that way you are not getting all huffy and responding to them in a way they expect and so they are caught off guard. If you turn it around and say something like another answerer suggested about how everyone comes from two people and so you could be related to him to - and then laugh it off then you brush it away and so might they. Alternativly you could say something REALLY mature and unexpected and say "so what if I was? Have you no concept of other peoples feelings other then your own how do you think (dork - say name) would feel if he knew you were taking the p**s out of him like this - grow up."

    Now saying that would turn the joke back on him because the other people listening would possibly think yea that is pretty mean and wow that was pretty cools her saying that kind of like cutting them down to size.

    Not saying these ideas will work but they might. The unexpected responses are probably the best and we all know that ignoring doesnt always really work.

  6. All you can do is stay as far away as you can from them. Ignore them...even if they dont leave yuo alone or a week, eventually they'll find some other person to pick on. If this is really truly making you afraid, go in tomorrow at school and go straight to the Principals office and tell him/her. It is hard being teased, ignoring is going to be super hard. Hang in there and good luck. Tell us if the issue stops please! I hope my advice helps!!

    BTW: By telling you are being teased, doesnt make you a tattle tale!!! Your telling for your own good! Being teased is an emotional hurtness thing. It can scar you for life. Being teased, it hurts, but I really do think you should talk to someone. I'd say the principal.

  7. So what if they say you're related to someone?  Laugh it off or totally ignore them.  If they don't have an audience, they'll not bother you.  Don't give them the satisfaction of thinking that they're upsetting you because that is exactly what they are looking for.

    However, I feel even sorrier for the "dorko that no one likes".  How do you think that boy/girl feels knowing that they are at the center of jokes and maybe has little or no friends?   Put yourself in their shoes.  Would you like to be called a "dorko"?  Everyone is different and have different interests.  Think of how boring the world would be if every single person were alike.  Seeing how you are the one being picked on now by those boys, I hope that you see how awful it is and will maybe be less mean to the poor "dorko".

  8. You are giving them the "power" to tease you, if you ignore them & they get no reaction then they will stop. I know it's hard, but if you show them you are all worried about this it will just give them more fuel.

  9. You know what? Just ignore them.

    Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

    good luck.

  10. Dish out a good 'your face!' comeback.

    That'll teach em!

  11. I know it's hard, but ignore them. he more the see that they are getting to you, the morethey will keep it up. They want a reaction and the more you give them one, the worse it will get.

  12. just say in a really bored voice "whatever". Don't pay anymore attention. They will love for you to retaliate

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