
Being the only child is better than having siblings?

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being the only child is better than having siblings?




  1. I'm 1 of 5. I'm the oldest, there is an 8 year gap between me and my next sibling and 17 years between me and the youngest. It's not just about the number of kids you have, I think the age gap gap is important too. I often feel like I might as well be an only child as I don't have a lot in common with my sisters and brothers because am at a completely different place in my life as I'm so much older.

    I have 3 kids of my own now aged 6 1/2 years, 3 years and 13 months and feel that they're missing out on being spoilt by their granny the way I was as she still has quite young children herself that are her main priority.

    Personally I'd still quite like at least 1 more some time in the next 2 years if poss. It's great as the kids grow up learning how to be around other kids and although it's inevitable that they're gonna fight some of the time, they always have someone to play with and keep them entertained.

  2. 1-7 It's cool, parents full attention, TV, internet, play station to yourself.

    8-18 Starts to go sour, you might become lonely, no sibling to understand your family situations, your secrets, issues, no older sibling to play you in video games/board games, when parents go for parties you're alone.

    19+ When you become an adult, it's nice having a sibling, especially the older you get. Friends are not forever but your brother will always be your brother (same applies for sister) and they can bail you out in situations.

    Being an only child is a curse dressed like a blessing.

  3. I don't think it is. Siblings are fun!! They usually end up being your best friends, expecially if your ages are close.

  4. i am 1 of 6 [14yo] and i love it! i love having a big family to have dinner with, and share everything with, im really close with my older sisters too.

  5. It depends on your needs and what type of parents you have. They might completely satisfy your needs or you may feel lonely without a sibling. Personally I think the more is the merrier.

  6. yup

    trust me

    i am an only child=D

    ((and happpyyyy!!!))

  7. maybe idk. I have never been an only child so idk. I have 4 brothers n one sister n I love em all to death even if they annoy me

  8. i dont think so because if you have sibblings you have someone to share your things with and talk whenyou need some one

  9. Sometimes when I was younger I would wish I was an only child, but as my older sister and I grew up, we became best friends. I couldn't imagine my life without her, we have been through so much together and have always been there for each other, no matter what. We go to each other with all our problems, share many secrets and stand by each others sides through thick and thin... I wouldn't change any of that for the world!

    I also have a 14 year old brother and a new baby sister that was born on June 4th. I love my brother to death, even though he can be a pain sometimes and the second I met my little sister she had me wrapped around her little finger!

    My sister and I are both mothers ourselves. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter Kennedy and she has two daughters, 5 year old Emily and 3 year old Sophia. I think that my sister and I got even closer once we both had children and I'm pretty sure that we will be this close for the rest of our lives!

    So I wouldn't know what it's like to be an only child, but I wouldn't give up my siblings for anything. Sure, sometimes we fight and get on each others nerves, but we're family and we love each other despite our differences!    

  10. i dont think that the more the merrier is the case at all. normally the more kids you have the less time you get to spend with them one to one as there is more housework washing other childrens needs etc. who needs to breed like rabbits anymore anyway its not the 1950s. personaly i think that as long as you give your child the attention he or she needs they'll be fine

  11. i have 3 sisters and although i may despise them so i would not trade them for the world

  12. I personally think not. At times I want to choke my brother to death but I still love him. He may make my life hard but he and I have had such good times together and never could imagine not having him in my life.

    As for how we get along its more of a love/hate situation.


  13. I'm the only child from my mum and dad has 2 other daughters from his previous marriage but the are married and have kids......and the live in another country

    so i guess I'm the only child

    its amazing at times i love it but then again it will be amazing at times to have a brother or a sister to do things with sharing the same things having silly sibling fights!!!

  14. well i have two brothers and a sister and even though they annoy me alot i couldn't imagine my life without them i would be so lonely  

  15. When your little yes because you get a lot of attention, but when you get older you start to feel a little lonely and when you're OLD it's nice to have family.

  16. O..M...G i LOVE bein the only child :D

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