
Being threatened, what to do?

by  |  earlier

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Earlier this year I was getting death threats from some neo n***s and one of these n***s girlfriend who happens to be quite wealthy. Mostly online but also by phone a few times, and they know where I live. They are located in Washington state, I am in the South. I documented the threats with screenshots but couldnt document the phone calls cause I have no recorder. Anyway I went to my local police and showed them the screenshots I had saved and they printed copies, they filled out a report and I spoke with some detectives and even some FBI agents. But its been almost 2 months since then and I havent heard back from the authorities and I know the scum making the threats havent been jailed or anything so what should I do? Just move on with my life? I really want them to pay for what they did but it looks like they will get away with it.




  1. I've never heard of rich neo-n***s.

  2. Why are you worried about them if they are in another state? Why are they making threats against you anyway? Cut off all ties to these people and move on with your life.  

  3. I have no idea what your solution is.  I do know that you must have some responsibility in this also.  Otherwise, how did individuals in a state very far away from you get in contact with you.  

    Be more circumspect in your actions, associations and communications in the future.  .Avoiding this type of situation is easier than dealing with it.


  4. This might sound strange but walk around the more urban parts of the city, let it be known to people who are classed as 'gangsters' that you need protection for a price; you can never know where life may lead. If the authorities dont get it right, take the law into your own hands. a Mr. Frank Rosenthal did this and he ended up in a better place after he was threatened by a number of Puerto Ricans.  Either that or get a big ol' AK-47 and look out your window every 5 minutes!

  5. Forget about it, they are trying to scare you...

    If you are concerned go back to the police and speak with a detective and ask how far this case has got.

    If you do end up in court they will get access to your name, address and other details - remember you have to PROVE Your case... Innocent until PROVEN guilty... if they get off with a slapped wrist judgement, they may come looking for you for a friendly chat over a cup of tea!!

    Is it REALLY worth it?

    Let it go, be the bigger person and move on with Life and IGNORE any threatsif they occur again.

    they will get bored and move on.

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