
Bejing Olympics SUCK!!!?

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they cheated nastia and sacramone what next...bejing letting 12 year old girls participate too..s***w the bejing judging




  1. Ugh, I know!

  2. I have answered about 100000000 questions on the same thing already but thanks for the points

  3. They aren't judges from Beijing, lol..Apparently, the Australian judge made an error or something like that.

  4. Then don't watch it.

  5. ok you got it totally wrong there:

    1. that person is good enough to be selected for the national team and that's why that person appeared on your TV screen.

    2. judges are 7 (if i'm correct) people from different countries around the world. to ensure fairness and unbiased judging the judges are often from countries where the athletes participating in that round are NOT from.

  6. the '08 games had the greatest opening ceremony...

    yet it was full of controversies like the little girl doing the lip sync version of their national anthem...

    another were those computer generated fireworks...

    and they used many fireworks which adds to the pollution of the city...

    they also scammed americans of their golds like johnson, sacramone and just recently nastia luikin...

    and after all, the chinese should host the games again if another major disasters occur again...

    they should prioritize their people before any other...

    they should also free tibet, hong kong and free taiwan from scares before they should host the games again...  

  7. mhmm

  8. Who cheated Sacramone? She was an obvious failure.

    Nastia did well, and I like her, but she got silver. The Olympics are not bad simply because one athlete beat another. It happens in every event. Someone has to win!

  9. You need to calm down.

  10. Yes, Shawn Johnson, Sacramone, and Nastia were robbed of golds.

    They did have the best opening ceremony though, kudos.

  11. Yeah, all of this gymnastics scoring is c**p. This is the biggest rip off in history.

  12. You are just jealous that the opening ceremony was by far the best you've seen in your life and your country won't be able to match it.

    And seriously if "12 year old" girls could beat USA then think how much older Chinese gymnasts would destroy USA.  

  13. The Chinese are just doing this stuff because they're trying to impress the western world, USA.  And this Chinese guy just wishes that he was American. Plus Obama is gonna stop the middle east stuff. And if China had the power that the Western world has, they would be doing even worse stuff. And don't even talk about Michael Phelps aka the greatest Olympian of all time.

  14. first of all, i'm chinese, i think these several chinese athletes look younger than 16. we are also trying to aprove the ago of them, but the evidence has not come out yet.   but for my personal opinion, does it really matters about the age? for one althele, if she's capable for this game, just let them perform for the rest of the world.     by the way, most chinese people hail for Michael Phelps' 8 gold medal, but for myself, i'm puzzling about cuting items and restriction for Badminton, diving, table tennis, weightlifting...................i don't know why there are no restriction for swimming. can anybody solve this question?  

    Also, pls those sanctimonious people don't talk about human right, Tibet, we are much better than ever. just come to china to see the truth. pls go to tibet, pls talk with those citizens, before chinese government, they are slaves.

    your dear human rights kill many people in mid-east, vienam, Yugoslavia and many more places.

  15. Yes they suck because most if not all of the competitors are taking pharmaceutically enhanced supplements; Phelps included. The difference is the IOC does not test for everything and the testing racket is a game of catch up. Plus the IOC wants records to be broken every games and hand out minimal 'go to your room' punishments. If really wanted it to stop they could do it very easily; ban the entire track team, then the entire country if they continue for these games and the next in 2012. Remember Marion Jones, she tested clean through her career. The only reason she got caught was because she lied (probably advised by her legal counsel to do so) to the feds about income taxes, then she flip flopped on the steroids. When she was cycling her pharmaceuticals the IOC and others had no idea what she was on, because there was not a test for it and it was beyond their rules of protocol . . . what a joke.

  16. yeah, i agree with you all the way!

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