
Believe in power of crystals?

by  |  earlier

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3 months ago i tried an experiment to see if crystals do have healing powers, well i just proofed the contrary: i got a serious headache all day.




  1. You should go to doctor for your headaches or a allergy doctor because it might be allergy related.

  2. Crystals are positive energy that cancel out negative energy around us. BElieve it or no its true.

  3. If you believe that the crystal gave you the headache, then yes, you believe in the power of crystals.

  4. Crystals exists all over the planet.  They're in the very earth we live on.  Why wouldn't 'their power' just be absorbed through our feet?  If they really healed, you'd be getting prescriptions filled for them at the pharmacy.  Don't think for a second those big drug companies would be beyond cornering the market on them.

  5. Yeah, I could have told you they wouldn't work. Silliness is all that is.

  6. Go to an experienced crystal healer who knows what they are doing.

  7. your headache occured because of an over abundance of energy that your body was not ready or willing to accept. As with ANY healing method if you approach it with dis-belief and doubt it will diminish in healing power.

    Crystals are meant to support your own and natural energy that surrounds us each and every day. Like with all healing methods unless you are properly schooled or trained to just jump in the middle and try healing there can be undesired results.

    If you were to start lifting weights tomorrow you wouldn't jump in and try to lift 500 lbs all by yourself the first day would you? As with everything start slow and work your way up according to how you feel - Not everyone heals in the same way or with the same methods.

    Hope this helps

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