
Believe this headline?: Sarah Palin and her fellow RNC speakers weren't completely truthful at times. ?

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It is very surprising, to me, that the Republican leadership was not truthful.




  1. And, you're surprised?  Actually, the words "truthful" and "honesty" do not even belong in the same sentence with the word "politics"--they are acronyms. It all boils down to who can be the most convincing in their lying. Now, there is the REAL truth of the matter.


    she's just another liar...

    there is no such thing as a "half truth".....anything less than the full truth is a lie.

  3. we are not supposed to notice the little lies.

  4. Politicans were not truthful, wow you could have fooled me.

  5. Thats ok, the Democrats aren't alway liars either

  6. Palin is all fluff. She tried to come off as ordinary and she did --- for all the wrong reasons. They just said what everyone wanted to hear.

  7. source? Link?

  8. I believe that the Republican leaders are not truthful.When have they ever during elections are they?And if you don't agree you must be a Democrat.But as an American voter I want our voted leaders to do not just speak about our issues here at home.Why can't we afford health care,food or to keep our homes? What about those of us taking care of elderly parents and our children? If your running for president telling Americans what to do and how.Shouldn't you run your own home and family the same.But this is just my opinion.Fortunately my family can take care of each other.

  9. Ya think??

    You have the headline, so I assume you read the actual article. THAT is what we all should be doing.. reading articles from both sides, then checking the reality of the claims against non biased sources.  I normally stay out of this section... almost all the answers are name calling without even considering what the facts are.

    Palin is excellent at drama..and sarcasm. All the talk about being a maverick and outsider does not count in my mind as a quality..if a person is going to need to work in Washington, and potentially with international contacts. The "fact" of her being Gov of Alaska, does not impress me in the least.. the questions of how many PERSONS that involves (not square miles), what she did before that (in a town that size wise, is half the size of DFW airport), and HOW honest she is on the issues.. that is what I am looking at.

    It would be nice if there was rational discussion over here about facts.


    if nothing else scares the heck out of you..consider the Rep. statements that they DO NOT INTEND TO DEAL WITH ANY MORE QUESTIONS REGARDING HOW SHE WAS SELECTED.  That is what freedom of the press is about, and they are ridiculing the whole valid process.

  10. doesn't surprise me, it's politics.  I am surprised at how much the republicans are lying though.  Cindy McCain and her sister, Sarah Palin and all her baggage, why do they keep lying to the American people?!?!?!?  And why is the McCain campagn making us feel like we shouldn't be asking these questions about Sarah Palin, she could very well be president, shouldn't we know who she is??  If you don't believe the headline then look it up for yourself, she straight up distorted and lied about the facts!  I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't appreciate being lied to.  And if this was all coming from the barack obama team I'm sure people would be making a much bigger deal out of it!

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