
Believers, do you feel time has started to go in REVERSE?

by  |  earlier

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In that, because of deteriorating global conditions, we no longer can achieve the sort of life that we expected when we were young.




  1. Yes, i think it could most def. be going in reverse.

    Its scary. Lets appreciate every day we have.

  2. time is an illusion. the past is only memory and the future is only an idea. The present moment is all that really exists.

    The world isn't as bad as the news and such make it out to be, trust your direct experience.

  3. .od I seY

  4. i feel like the whole world is very chaotic and everyone is racing around to get absolutly no where. We need to start helping ourselves by helping eachother. I cant even believe racism still exisist! its so ridiculous. I would give anything to go back to Pre 9/11! I remember what a beautiful day it was and how the birds sang even and the sun shined. I was in High school my senior year. My life changed that day forever and so did the worlds. I am hoping this is how people felt during ww1 and ww2 cause it hasnt gotten that bad and they bounced back I guess. I live life in secret fears everyday and in a constant state of panic. Its terrible. I feel like I have been cheated somehow.. I think everyone is suffering from post dramatic stress from 9/11.. everyone has gone nuts!

  5. Yea.. World war 3 is comming soon and it sucks...

  6. Nope! Quit if you want to, but I get up every morning, happy to be on this side of the dirt!

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