
Believers, how profound is the feeling of despair?

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When a sinner finds his soul being drawn towards the Gates of h**l?




  1. Before I can answer your question, let me just first say that practicing any "religion" ALWAYS results in some sort of despair.  No matter what you do, you always depair - either for this life or for the afterlife.

    For example: I would imagine that the sinner who finds his soul being drawn towards the gates of h**l must experience profound despair when he first realizes that for all of eternity he is going to be in h**l.  That's afterlife despair.

    A lot of people may have hope for the afterlife, but they despair for this life.  This is usually because they are always trying to convert others to their "religion," saying that they have the ONLY way to God, and things like that (and you can click the link if you do not know how well the Spanish Inquisition fared with this method).  Then, when others - being completely turned off by this arrogance - don't convert, those who tried to force them into converting despair for this world, all the while doing nothing themselves to help it - some even because they claim that "God is going to end it all anyway, so what's the point; I may as well just try to hasten the end for Him."

    The only people who do not despair for either life are the ones who actually practice what they preach, and "live and let live."  If others ARE going to convert, they let their ACTIONS convert them, rather than try to tell them that they will go to h**l if they don't convert, all the while TELLING them what's good for them, but never ACTING like it themselves.  This is what the Unites States is doing right now - TELLING the people of the Middle East how to act, but not ACTING like it themselves.

    Sorry if I wasted your time with my round about way of answering your question, but the point is: Some "Christians" are so sure that they are going to heaven, and so sure that all no-Christians are going to h**l, but might themselves be very surprised to find their destinations reversed; those are probably the ones who can best answer your question.

    But you will have to wait until they are on their way to h**l before they can answer it, because right now they are certain that they're not going there.

  2. it wont be fun when someone dying is unprepared..

  3. Physically crushing...

  4. Only you have control over your emotions, if you are allowing others to control that with words or actions then you are not in control. You have to learn to turn your negative emotions to positive ones, YOU have this contol. It is time to take back your control and be the person you want to be...unless of course you like to wallow in your despair? Take back the control!


  5. Okay, let's analyze your delusion real quick:

    First of all, obviously, h**l doesn't exist, as the Greek mythology that it's drawn from has been proven to be... just that.

    But as you're a nutter, and don't understand that, let's talk about what you DO understand.

    You know, as well as I do, that NO ONE on this planet has ever been "drawn towards the Gates of h**l".  Therefore, NO ONE on this planet can answer this question truthfully.

    Yet, you ask the question anyway.

    Why is that?  You know for a fact that any response you get is going to be a lie.

    Yet, you ask it anyway.

    You know you're not going to get a truthful answer, but you ask it anyway.  And you'll believe whatever nonsense some other Christian nutjob gives you.

    Do you see now, why you are insane?

    (Probably not, just thought I'd point it out, anyway)

  6. I have zero despair.  I am 100% positive that I will be in heaven when I die, because I believe in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for my sins on the cross and rose from the dead.  

  7. I think it could be equal to the sincere depth of his penitent heart.  One who lacks remorse for sin would care less than one who grieved for their choices and sins and sought repentence.  

  8. Assuming h**l exists, how would anyone here know?

  9. No one heading for h**l will be surprised.  But people will be surprised by some of the people who end up in heaven.

  10. I used to be in total despair....until I came to Christ.

    nothing makes sense except evolution and atheism unless you know the reality of Jesus Christ.

    Today I am filled with great joy and peace and fulfillment , knowing the Creator/ Father God.

    I realize that despair is created by a life of sin...and only Christ can remove it.

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